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The sun was rising in Rivendell today. Of course Lóthperian knew that the sun always would arise and set every day, but it was nice from time to time to sneak out and watch as it rose. Of course Elrond would never allow it but he didn't need to know for the time.

Lóthperian watched as the orange hue began to rise from the gray clouds, seeming to break apart as the sun peaked out its head for the world to see. A pink undertone could be seen as the orange mixed with it. This was one of Lóthperian's favorite sights in her short life so far, watching as the sun rose and morning began.

As Lóthperian felt the warm sun's rays, she heard a strange sound like a sword being sheathed and a large bang like wood hitting a brick. She quickly turned her sight down below to see a small pack of hideous orcs running away. Lóthperian froze, praying they wouldn't see her until they were out of her sight, running off to go tell Elrond and hoping no one was seriously injured.


Námo had been walking most of the day when the sun had first shown its head. He was trying to get to Rivendell before the end of the day. He'd been traveling many days now to the Peredhel's haven with a sort of 'mission' he supposed. So far he had had no trouble while in the west, but upon getting closer to the Misty Mountains he was more cautious.

Námo was walking along a backroad when suddenly he heard the sound of orcish and before he could react an ugly orc rushed towards him with a dagger piercing his left shoulder and then everything went black.


Lóthperian ran down the rock she had been hiding, running inside to go find Elrond, knowing he'd be awake by now. She quickly found him downstairs, with Elrond noticing something must be wrong based on how she was sweating.

"What's wrong Lóthperian?" He asked.

"Adar, I saw a group of orcs outside and I heard some disturbing sounds. I think someone may have been attacked." Lóthperian answered. Elrond sighed, fearing this might be the news his little halfling brought.

"Elladan, go and search the land. I will see if there are any injuries. Lóthperian, please prepare a bed just in case." Elrond said, his tone heavy. Orcs had been coming more frequent in the Misty Mountains in recent years.

Elrond quickly left with Elladan and Lóthperian prepared a bed, hoping that no one was injured. No one to her knowledge was coming, but Rivendell was a haven to all so anyone could come. It wasn't long till Elrond came back with an injured elf. He had straight raven hair reaching to the small of his back. He had pale, almost pasty skin with a well defined jawline. He was knocked out, but when Elrond and some others laid him on the bed, he was at least seven feet tall. Taller than most in Rivendell. His robes were a smooth black with silver and teal trimmings. He was very handsome, Lóthperian thought.

He had been stabbed in his left shoulder with an orc blade and had been banged on his forehead with a wooden beam that had left splinters and blood.

Lóthperian knew well that Elrond could fix his wounds but they were bad and his wound in his shoulder was deep; if it had been in a vital organ, Lóthperian knew Elrond wouldn't be able to do much. But he wasn't severely (or at least, fatally) injured and it could be healed.

"Lóthperian, go get me some hot water and cloth." Elrond requested, with the little half elf running off to get what he needed. Returning, Lóthperian gave it to him, with Elrond already working on the wounds.

"Please go get me kingsfoil," Lóthperian gladly ran off. She knew well how great kingsfoil was as a herb. She came back quickly to find Elrond taking out a piece of the dagger.

"Thank you." Elrond said, as Lóthperian sat down beside the beautiful pale elf. Elrond worked quietly as usual, making the feeling a little tense.

"Adar, will he be alright?" Lóthperian asked after a while, growing concerned that the wound might be worse than what she had assumed.

I walked with you once upon a dream (Mandos x OC/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now