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Lóthperian meets her father.


It had been about a week since Námo and Lóthperian had married and now they had sailed back to Valinor, where Lóthperian was introduced to the rest of the Valar, most of whom were fascinated by her being a Peredhel, being half hobbit.

Námo had been given more Maiar, mainly by his sister and brother to help him in his work so he could spend more time with his newly wedded wife.

But for now Lóthperian was content, she was helping her husband and the souls of mortals (mainly hobbits and children) settle in his cool, dark halls where she would comfort them with her singing and sweet stories. They found it nice that someone like them was around.

Her love life with Námo was also wonderful. She had never wanted to be in bed so much with someone, and she usually found herself in their bed at night, under the covers wiggling around with him. He was so romantic and sweet yet dominant in bed, making her feel on cloud nine.

Lóthperian had been wondering when she could meet her father and grandfather, but Námo told her it would be a little while. Maglor was still very hurt and Fëanor usually didn't speak with anyone outside his sons.

So Lóthperian waited, helping in all ways she could with her husband's work. She spent nights and days comforting those who had left the world and helping them prepare to go beyond Arda.

Lóthperian also missed Elrond and her siblings, but Námo reassured her that soon they would sail and in no time she'd see them again. It comforted her a little, hoping soon she would again meet the man who had raised her for many years and also her own biological father.

It was on a quiet day after both Námo and her had retired and were headed to their shared chambers when the Vala spoke up.

"Maglor has told me he is ready to meet you. I am sorry I did not tell you sooner, my love." He told her, taking her tiny hands in his large ones. Lóthperian went red with these words.

"When will he be ready?" Lóthperian asked, her tone a little nervous.

"Tomorrow night, after work." Her husband replied. Lóthperian nodded, leaning on his shoulder. She was now nervous about meeting her true father, but she had been waiting enough.

Námo noticed her nervousness and took her in his arms. "He'll be so excited to meet you, Lóthperian. I love you." He told her, picking her up with ease and taking her to their shared chambers, gently laying her down for the night.


The next day went by quietly and quickly. Lóthperian did her job as usual beside her husband but as the hours wore on she grew more nervous.

Finally the work day ended and Lóthperian walked to where Maglor was waiting for her by her husband. He was only a spirit, but she could make out his face, pale and thin, his eyes looking down on the ground until he caught a glimpse of her.

"Hi, I'm, er, Lóthperian." The little halfling began, her voice full of anxiety, wondering what he'd say.

Maglor didn't respond but instead stared intensely at his daughter. He moved closer to her and she froze.

"You look so much like your mother..." He said barely above a whisper, his hand going to her jawline. "I never should have left you or her. You're so beautiful..." He began, beginning to cry silent tears.

"I'm so sorry I left you. I should have stayed. I would have stayed if I had not been so foolish. I know you can never truly forgive me, but take a chance on me, please? I want to know everything about you. You look so much like your mother... Brown eyes and all."

Lóthperian didn't respond but instead looked over at Námo who was smiling.

"Well, I guess no time is better than now, adar." She said, a sweet smile on her chubby face.


And the Vala and the halfling Peredhel went on to live happily for the rest of their lives, delighting in each other until the world was made anew and the light of Valinor shone even brighter than in the beginning. And they still walk together in their dreams, for eternity to come.

The End.

A/N: I know this chapter is short but I wanted to get something out before school starts again. I hope everyone enjoyed this as much as I did writing it. <3

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