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-idk if this is angst or fluff or both
-ages:12(ik mini mileven <33)
-after events of season 1
-enjoy :))

It was day 304,maybe 305-El couldn't remember anymore-,but it'd been that many days since she last saw Mike.Last saw his small
freckled face smiling up at her,last saw his comforting eyes gazing at her as if she was the only person left in the whole wide world.Well,of course she still saw him in the void,but it was different;he didn't know she was there,her heart breaking as she heard him sob though the intercom.

All she wanted to do was to take her hand and cup his tear-stained cheek in it.Give him a warm hug and stroke his dark hair,promising that she was still there and never left him;never would.It was all just make believe in her mind though,as the mere second she tried to make any of those gestures towards the boy,he turned into smokey dust and disappeared all around her.

To Hopper it was weird how attached the girl was to Mike,seeming as she knew him for not long at all before they lost each other.And even considering that,she missed him more than anyone could ever imagine.El felt selfish to admit it but she was glad he hadn't really moved on from her,that he called her every single day although he got no response.She obviously wanted him to be happy but it would kill her to see him with another girl.With someone else who he shared the same caring glances with or someone who he applied his sisters makeup to.Unfortunately,she was more than ecstatic that he missed her.

That still didn't stop that feeling of complete helplessness of course.She wanted Mike to have the same sort of flame in his eyes like he had all those days ago (minus the 'getting over El' part).And as much as she knew that Hopper would be absolutely furious at her for doing what she was about to,she had to.Well technically she didn't but it sort of felt like a responsibility.

So on a pretty gloomy Septembers morning after Hopper had left for work,El got herself dressed into something quite decent.
She threw on some baggy trousers and a light sweater before tying the laces of her shoes once she'd put them on.Living with Hopper also meant being taught practical life skills,even if they were as simple as knowing how to tie shoelaces or some other stuff.

El's thoughts drifted back to her plan.She was going to leave the cabin,disregarding all the rules which her dad had step up in order to keep her safe.Truth be told,she couldn't care less about any of those rules as she remembered that she was going to see Mike later on.

Still fully dressed as if she was ready to go,she stared at the small digital alarm on one of the shelves close to the kitchen.It read '02:19' and El thought she was going to go insane before Mike had finished school and he could finally see her.Or vice versa,she could finally see him.
The picture in her head,which she made of their to be reunion,made her heart flutter in her chest like the wings of an excited butterfly.Her cheeks practically flushed pink
when she imagined them hugging,their faces both buried in each other's shoulders whilst their arms wrapped around them.

They were both finally going to be whole again.Just for a while though,as El knew she'd have to go back to the cabin sooner or later.Still,she couldn't explain the feeling in her body.It was way too much,in fact her head was so far up in the clouds as she marched out of the cabin, that she managed to forget all about the trip-wire alarm sort of thing that Hopper had created once El began to live with him.

It set off a a loud noise,like a gunshot and El ran fast,almost like a frightened rabbit.Under her breath she muttered,"shit,shit,shit."She'd heard Hopper say that word countless of times so she's figured it was a great to say it for the first time now.

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