Part 5- Is Scar and Zira back?

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Narrator Andrew: The next day.

Kion: * Wakes up and goes outside the Tree * Hey guys.

Lion Guard: Hey Kion.

Kion: * Sees the Night Pride walking towards the Tree without Rani * Hey night pride where's Rani? I thought she was with y'all?

Nirmala: About that..... She got taken.

Kion: WHAT!? Who took her....?

Nirmala: Well, they had a scar on their left eye and the other one had.... And they looked like they were from a volcano or something. We tried to fight them but they were to strong and started a fire that surrounded Rani then they left with her. It happened while the rest of us were fighting some other villain animals.

Kion and Lion Guard: NO!! We know who your talking about!!!! Dang it!!!

Kion: Fuli, Azaad, and Ono, go to the Pridelands and alert my parents. Sooner they know the better. Plus, they know who I think it is. Go now!!

Ono, Azaad and Fuli: On it. * Leaves to the Pridelands *

Narrator Andrew: When Fuli, Ono and Azzad reach the Pridelands.

Fuli: We're here. Hey Vitani.

Vitani: Hi Fuli, Ono and Azaad. What are y'all doing here so soon?

Fuli: Well, long story short, We need to speak with Simba and Nala, now before it gets worse.

Vitani: Of course, follow me. * Walks to pride rock *

Fuli, Ono and Azzad: * Follows Vitani to pride rock *

Vitani: Kovu!!! Kiara!!!! Simba!!!! Nala!!!!!

Simba: What is it, Vitani?

Vitani: I'm afraid that Fuli, Ono and Azzad, have bad news and it's about the Queen of Life and your son other than that they wouldn't have to speak to you immediately.

Simba: Okay. What is this time, Ono, Fuli and Azzad.

Fuli: Well, Nirmala said that the Queen of the Tree of Life got taken while the night pride and her were doing it night patrol. Then Nirmala described them as this, they had a scar on their left eye and the other one had.... And they looked like they were from a volcano or something. They tried to fight them but they were to strong and started a fire that surrounded Rani then they left with her. It happened while the night pride were fighting some other villain animals. And that's it. Other than Kion being sad and mad.

Simba: I think I know who it is.

Ono: Who?

Simba and Nala: Scar and his mate, Zira based on what you said.

Kovu, Kiara, Fuli and Ono: I thought that they were dead?

Simba: Yes, but I think someone resurrected them or something like that.

Ono: This is really bad.

Simba: It is. We need to be on high alert. Azzad, Ono and Fuli, when y'all go back to the Tree of Life, tell Kion, the rest of the Guard and the Night Pride to be on high alert.

Ono: Okay.

Narrator Andrew: Sunset and Ono, Azzad and Fuli made it back to the Tree of Life.

Fuli: We made it back. Now lets go tell Kion. After we find him.

Azzad and Ono: Alright, Fuli.

Narrator Andrew: After finding the others.

Fuli: Kion!!!

Kion: Yes, Fuli?

Fuli: Your parents think that it might be Zira and Scar. They also think that someone resurrected them and to be on high alert.

Kion: Okay, thanks guys.

Fuli: Your welcome, Kion.

Kion: Go get some rest, its been a long day.

Azzad, Ono and Fuli: Okay, Kion.

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