Part 8- The plan, Rani rescued, Rani's healing

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A/N: When I put Everyone:. That meant the Night Pride, Day Pride, Simba, Nala, Kiara, Kovu and sometimes Askiri, Queen Janna and Mafasa. I don't know if I put Everyone:. In part 7, but if I did what I put in this A/N is what it means. I wanted to add this A\N about what that meant before anyone got confused.


Narrator Andrew: The next day in the morning. It's early in the morning.

Crystal: Hey guys. Hi Mom, Dad, Kiara and Kovu.

Night Pride, Day Pride, Nala, Simba, Kiara and Kovu: Hey, Crystal. By the way, where's Kion?

Crystal: Still asleep. But let him sleep, he had a rough night, last night.

Night Pride, Day Pride, Nala, Simba, Kiara and Kovu: Yeah.

Crystal: While he sleeps, Surak and Nirmala, can y'all take over being king and queen until he wakes up, please?

Surak and Nirmala: Sure.

Crystal: Okay. Now I need everyone to come with me, so we can come up with a plan that involves all of us including Kion, Nirmala and Surak.

Night Pride, Day Pride, Nala, Simba, Kiara and Kovu: Okay.

Crystal: Alright then, let's go. Surak or Nirmala, if Kion wakes up, then come and get me.

Surak and Nirmala: Okay.

Crystal: As for everyone else, please follow me, Dad when we get a clearing where no one sees us, will you call on Grandfather Mufasa and Baliyo, please do the same thing but with your Grandmother.

Simba and Baliyo: Okay.

Crystal: Thank you.

Narrator Andrew: When they get to the clearing.

Crystal: Alright. Let's figure out what we're going to do. Askari?

Baliyo: Grandmother Janna?

Simba: Father?

Askiri, Queen Janna and Mufasa: * Show up in the clouds * Yes?

Crystal: Hello Askari, Queen Janna and Grandfather.

Askari, Queen Janna and Mufasa: Hello Crystal. I believe y'all called us for help?

Crystal: Yes, we did. Kion would be here, but he's still asleep because he had a rough night, last night.

Askari, Queen Janna and Mufasa: We know.

Crystal: I figured y'all did. Do we need to explain why we called y'all or do y'all already know?

Askari, Queen Janna and Mufasa: Explain, please.

Crystal: Okay. So, one of them had a scar on their left eye and the other one had.... And they looked like they were from a volcano or something. We tried to fight them but they were to strong and started a fire that surrounded Rani then they left with her. It happened while the rest of us were fighting some other villain animals. This is what the Night Pride said. We already know who it was. But the only problem is that we don't know where they are at.

Askri, Queen Janna and Mufasa: Okay. Well, they're probably near The Tree of Life, but a little bit of an way from The Tree of Life. We've been keeping an eye on them, but you guys need to hurry, we don't know how long Rani can last.

Everyone: Okay.

Crystal: So, all we know is that when we get there, Kion is probably will want them gone for good, he will stop at literally nothing to get her back alive. But how long do y'all think Rani will last?

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