Part 17- More to the Roar then you think and the delivery of cubs

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Narrator Andrew: 1 month later. With Kion and Crystal at Cikha Escarpment.

Kion: What are we doing here, Crystal?

Crystal: We're here to work on your other abilities of the Roar.

Kion: Okay. Which one are working on, first?

Crystal: The one we're starting with is Shadow.

Kion: Okay. But why that one, first?

Crystal: Good question. Its because if you need to hide without being seen. It will also help you do sneak attacks especially in the dark. But you need to careful when you use Shadow. That's when you get it.

Kion: Why do I need to be careful, while using it?

Askiri: * Shows up in the clouds * Because you can still be heard even while using Shadow.

Kion: Really?

Crystal: Yes.

Kion: Crystal?

Crystal: Yes, Kion?

Kion: How do you know all this?

Crystal: Because I can do something similar.

Kion: Really?

Crystal: Yes.

Kion: Can you show me?

Crystal: No.

Kion: Why?

Crystal: Cause it takes a lot of energy and I've already used a lot of energy for the past couple of days. Plus, I've haven't gotten a lot of sleep recently.

Kion: Oh. Why haven't you gotten any sleep recently?

Crystal: I've been so damn busy with literally almost everything from your second surprise, Rani's panic attacks, Kovu's surprise and helping you with earning the Roar's other powers.

Kion: Really?

Crystal: Yes. But I can show you a little bit of each power, whenever we work on a power or a new power. How does sound?

Kion: Good. How does Shadow work, anyway?

Crystal: Like this, but this is only a fraction of what you could do, if you control it. * Goes to a dark area and shadow walks *

Kion: Cool.

Crystal: * Stops shadow walking *  You'll be able to do that once you get the power and control it.

Kion: Okay.

Askari: What we want you to do is let the shadows feel you.

Kion: Why? Wouldn't that hurt me?

Crystal: Not if you stay calm and focus throughout the whole thing.

Kion: Okay. When do I try that?

Crystal: Once you go to a dark area like the one I went to but stay where we can see you. After you go there, we'll give further instructions on what to do next.

Kion: Okay. * Walks to where Crystal was earlier * Now what?

Askari: Now, focus and stay calm.

Kion: Okay. * Practicing with Shadow *

Narrator Andrew: After 3 days of practicing the Shadow power.

Kion: * Practicing the Shadow power then shadow walks * I did it!!! I finally shadow walked!!!

Askari: * Shows up in the clouds * That's good.

Crystal: It is, Askiri.

Kion: When did you get here, Crystal?

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