Part 22- Another addition on the way

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Narrator Andrew: A few months later. When Kion, Rani, Aleah, Ono, Autumn, Leo and Crystal get back to the Tree of Life. They left the Pridelands, a few days later after the fight at the Pridelands.

Leo: Mom?

Rani: Yes, Leo?

Leo: Are we almost home?

Rani: Yes. We should be.

Leo: Okay. * Walks faster to catch up with his aunt Crystal *

Kion: Are you okay, Rani?

Rani: Yeah, I'm fine.

Are you sure? Cause you look exhausted.

Rani: I'm fine, I promise.

Kion: Okay. But after we get settled back home, I want you to be checked by Nirmala.

Rani: Okay.

Narrator Andrew: Not even 15 minutes later.

Leo: Mom, are you okay?

Rani: Yeah, I'm fine. * Sways back and forth *

Crystal: * Turns around * No, you're not. You look like you're going to pass out.

Rani: No, I'm not. * Still sways back

and forth *

Crystal: Alright. Kion, help her sit down or help her lay down.

Kion: Okay. * Helps Rani sit down *

Crystal: Leo!! Autumn!! Aleah!!! Autumn, Aleah and Ono: Yes,


Leo: Yes, Aunt Crystal?!

Crystal: Don't go to far!! Stay where we can see you!! We'll be resting here soon!!

Leo, Autumn, Aleah and Ono: Okay!!

Narrator Andrew: When they finally reach the Tree and get settled.

Crystal: Nirmala?!

Nirmala: * Comes over to Crystal * Yes, Crystal?

Crystal: I need you to check over Rani.

Nirmala: Why?

Crystal: Because I think she's ' pregnant ' again. Cause on the way back here, she started to get exhausted and started to sway back and forth before we got her to sit or lay down for a bit. That way she didn't pass out on the way back here.

Nirmala: Okay. I'll check on her to be sure.

Crystal: Okay. Kion was going to have you do it, anyway. But I figured I tell you, so you could start walking over there, when he asked for you.

Nirmala: Yeah, thanks.

Crystal: Of course. Let me know, if you need help.

Nirmala: I will.

Crystal: Okay.

Narrator Andrew: 10 minutes later.

Kion: * Walks out of the Tree * Nirmala?

Nirmala: * Walks over to Kion * Yes, Kion?

Kion: Do you why I called you over here?

Nirmala: Yes.

Kion: * Surprised * How?

Nirmala: Crystal told me.

Kion: Oh.

Nirmala: Yeah.

Kion: Well, can you check her over, please?

Nirmala: Yes, I can. Do you want to be in there when I check her over or out here?

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