Chapter 2. Seeing Her Again

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As I was walking in the school corridor, I looked at my timetable, seeing that I have English first. In a minute I arrived at my destination. The English classroom.

Almost everyone had gotten to their assigned seats and I was one of the few who hadn't. Everyone was staring at me as if I were a piece of meat and that made me uncomfortable but made me remember, that I can rip their hearts out before they could blink.

The teacher, a 40-ish-year-old lady with a warm smile but a strict face took one look at me and said

"Ah...You must be the new student. My name is Ms Green and I will be your English teacher for the rest of the year, sweetheart ."

She was smiling and had a welcoming aura.

Hmm...I like her. She looks like a nice lady.

"Class, this is our new student Annabelle Mikaelson, please make her feel welcome" said Ms Green

I said a small Hi while waiving a little.

"Miss Mikaelson please take a seat next to Miss Cullen, Miss Cullen please raise your hand" The teacher said

I looked around the classroom and saw a red-haired girl rising her hand. And if I may say, she is Bloody beautiful. She's wearing a green dress and has curly red hair and a pair of golden eyes that make her so mysterious. 

I thanked Ms Green and started to walk toward the girl. When I sat next to her I noticed how beautiful those eyes actually are. 

"Hi. I'm Maggie Cullen" said the red-haired girl

"Oh..hi. I'm Annabelle Mikaelson,  but please call me Anna" I said smiling at Maggie 

After we introduced ourselves to each other we started to pay attention to the class. 

I was thinking about the dream...The girl from the dream had the same eyes as the red-haired girl next to me. Could Maggie know anything about it? I had zoomed out that I didn't hear the bell ring. I was notified by Maggie when she called my name a few times.

"Hey Anna" said Maggie 

"Ah. Yes. Sorry." said a little shy 

"No need to be sorry, hun. I was just asking if you want to sit with me and my family at lunch?" said the redhead girl

"Yes, that would be lovely, Maggie," I said with a big smile on my face showing my perfectly white teeth.

"Great. I will be waiting for you at the cafeteria, hun." Maggie said

"Ok, Thanks" 

"See you later buttercup," Said Maggie with a teasing smile 

"Later" I simply said cause I didn't want to show her how flustered I am because of the pet names.

What's with all the pet names anyway?

~Some time later~

Now it was 1 pm and it was time for lunch. I went to the cafeteria and got some food. It's not like I need it but it's delicious and also I don't want to look suspicious.

After I looked around I saw a table where Maggie was sitting before I could start walking toward the table someone stopped me. A short girl with pixie hair and golden eyes like Maggie's approached me with a smile. But even though she was short she was an inch or two taller than me.

"You must be Annabelle, Hello I'm Alice, we've been waiting for you." said the pixie-haired girl

I was a little weird out but didn't let it show.

"hmm...Hi" I said a little unsure

Alice took my hand and let me toward the table where Maggie was sitting 

Weird, her hand is pretty cold

"Hey. Maggie. Look who I found," said Alice with a little bit of a creepy simile but somehow friendly at the same time.

"Ah...I see you've found Mickelson here. Hey Anna. Take a seat next to me" said Maggie with a big happy smile 

"Okay, let me introduce you to the others, at lest the ones that are here" said Alice

"Hmm...alright" I agreed even though I was kinda unsure about it

"That's Jasper" Alice said introducing a blond boy, who looked like he was in pain.

Is he alright? Cause he definitely doesn't look like it.

Jasper looked at me and forced a smile saying a small Hi

Next a buff looking guy introduced him self

"Hi tiny, I'm Emmet"
the guy said and put an arm around Maggie's shoulder

How dare he?
Calm down Anna

Happy Thoughts, No Murder Thoughts.

Happy Thoughts, No Murder Thoughts...

"Hello, Emmet. I'm Annabelle."
I said calmly, now that I repeated my calming phrase.

"Bella and Edward are not here at the moment, but they would love to meet you"
Alice said with a little sadness in her voice

"That's alright, I'm sure I'll meet them next time. Is this everyone from your family?"
I asked with hint of curiosity in my voice.

"No" said Maggie

"Jasper's twin, Rosalie must be here any minute."
Said Emmet with a bored expression on his face, probably because of his sister's lateness.

We were talking and I was having a really good time. It turns out Emmet is not so bad he's actually pretty cool. And even Jasper talked a bit, which I'm suspecting it's not a usual thing. I found out none of them are related, except Rosalie and Jasper, they're all adopted by Dr. Cullen. Also I think most of them are together, together. I think Maggie is with Emmet, Jasper with Alice and by what I found out about Bella she's not adopted by Dr Cullen, but she and Edward are definitely a couple, Maggie said it.

Suddenly someone sat on the chair next me.

I didn't look at the person at the beginning. Which let them to talk.

"Alice who's this?" said an unfamiliar voice

It sounds so angelic.

I quickly turn to the person, and saw a pair of golden eyes, then I liked the face of the owner of the beautiful eyes.

That's her...

"You..." I said in disbelief

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