Chapter 6. Rosalie

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As I walked downstairs I could hear someone's voice. I took I few more steps and saw Maggie, Emmet, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie and an older woman with brown hair and the same golden eyes like the others. When the woman saw me she gave me a warm motherly smile and said

"Hello dear" said the woman

That got Rosalie's attention and she looked at me with a bit of worry in, but still smiled the moment she saw me.

"Hey sleepy head, how did you sleep?" said Rosalie with a warm smile, a bit like the woman but also a bit different.

"Um.. Hi" I was a quite nervous

"I slept great, thanks" I said with a blush

"Hey Mikaelson" said Maggie with a smirk

"Hey tiny" said Emmet

Honestly I don't mind it that much when he calls me tiny. I mean, I am tiny compared to him.

"Hi Anna" said Alice with a big smile

"Hi" Jasper said quietly.

"Hi guys" I said still blushing.

"Oh sorry we forgot to introduce you to our mother. That's Esme our mother. Mother that's Annabelle as you already know. Because someone hasn't stopped talking about her" said Maggie smirking at Rosalie.

The way she said Mother, she said it in a teasing tone. Maggie's something...

"That's enough Maggie, don't tease your sister" said Mrs Cullen with a firm tone

"It's lovely to meet you Mrs Cullen"

"Oh please, call me Esme, dear" said Mrs Cullen with a smile

"Of course Mrs- I mean Esme" I said

I know for sure my face is red like a tomato by now

Esme chuckled and nodded

"Princess do you want me to show you around the house? " said Rosalie

I blushed at the pet name and nodded

"See you later" I said to the rest of the Cullens and waved goodbye even though I wasn't saying goodbye.

Rosalie walked towards me and put her hand on my lower back guiding me upstairs.

"Um...Rosalie?"I asked hesitantly while walking upstairs

" Yes sweetheart? " she asked with a smile

" I'm sorry for earlier. I don't know what happened. I don't do stuff like that. " I said awkwardly

" Do Not apologise baby girl. It's a normal human thing" she said with a firm tone but caring at the same time

"Also what do you mean by I don't do stuff like that? You don't open up to people?" said Rosalie with a raised eyebrow

"hmm...Yeah kinda, Let's just say I have not allowed myself to be vulnerable around people, for quite some time" I said

Quite some time...I mean centuries but she doesn't have to know that.

"How come?"  asked Rosalie

"Well I don't get close to people except to my family. They're the only people I allow to see me vulnerable"

Allow is a strong word and that's kinda of a lie. My family rarely lets me get close to people, who don't have the name Mikaelson...
I love them but sometimes I felt like I'm suffocating around then. And here I am without them I don't know how to or even want to get close to people. And yet I'm doing that exact same thing with Rosalie, I'm not even trying to. I'm so confused as for why.

"Oh I understand" said Rosalie with a sad smile

We kept walking and Rosalie showed me the whole house it's really beautiful, though there are a few weird things, but other then it's pretty normal. We talked and it was great too.

She keeps using all those pet names which make me blush EVERY  Single time!

It's like she's doing it on purpose.
But honestly I wouldn't be surprised if she did, she likes to tease for sure.

We are currently in her room.  I'm sitting on the bed and she's sitting next to me. And if I may add, her HAND is on MY Tight... HER HAND
I'm definitely not freaking out!
Yes I am, but...
I'm great at pretending :)

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