Chapter 3. The Lunch

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"You...? " I said in disbelief

I couldn't believe it. How can someone from a dream be real? How did I dreamed her face when I never seen it before.

I couldn't say a word from how shocked I was.

"Hello I'm Rosalie Hale" said the girl from my dream

"I-  I'm Annabelle... Hi" I was so nervous that a shuttered.

Wait a minute...
Since when do I shutter?
I'm Annabelle Mikaelson, the Original Heretic, the first of my kind and the only one

I took a breath and put myself together. And just like that my confidence mask was back.

"Hello Rosalie, it's lovely to meet you" I said with a strong British accent and a small but confident smile

"That makes two of us, lovely"  Rosalie said with a smirk, as if she was impressed or something

Just as I was about to say something Alice started giggling

"I'm so happy you two finally met each other" said Alice with a big smile

"So what brings you around darlin?" the blond beauty asked with a hint of curiosity in her angelic voice.

Hmm... She's so pretty and her voice sounds so good
I wish I was in her arms right now.

"Hello... Earth to Anna" said Maggie jokingly

"Ah... Yes."

"I moved here because I was looking for a new start." I said

"Really... With who did you say you moved in with? "  Rosalie said, trying to trick me

"I didn't" I said with a blank face

"And what did you say was the reason you got adopted by Dr. Cullen? " I said with a raised eyebrow

"I didn't" she said with a cold expression

I know there was no need to be a brat, but she started...
It's not like she can punish me, so I'll be fine.

We talked for a while.
But the tension between me and Rosalie was obvious, you could almost cut it with a dagger.
Talking about daggers, that reminds me of my brother. I wonder what my family is doing right now.
Nick would probably dagger me if was bratty, he never liked when I'm bratty. And then Becca would scold him but then Elijah would demand Nick to take out the dagger.
We were pretty chaotic, but I love them. I really miss Nick even thought he daggers me for the smallest thing. He always said he's doing it to teach me a lesson.
Through the years he killed all my male partners but sometimes he didn't kill my female partners.
He always said "No man is worthy enough for my baby sister"
He did preferred when I was with a woman.
And boy Becca was no less then Nick, they usually killed my partners together. Elijah was always more calm, but I know he secretly was glad that Nick and Becca did it, he just never wanted to be involved.
Elijah, Nick and Becca are really overprotective.
Finn never really cared he was always Mama's boy nothing else.
Kol cared a little bit, he was protective as well but far away from Nick, Elijah and Becca.
When I meet Freya she didn't like me at first, but she warm up to me in a month or two. And since then she was exactly like the others, so overprotective, sometimes too much like Nick.
Mother never really cared, she thought I was an abomination.
Father was cruel and cared about no one.
But I got great siblings who always protected me.
I love my family I wish I was there with them. I really miss them. I hope one day I'll be able to go home.
I'm even kinda missing the daggers.
But hey, we always find a way to each other.

Always and Forever

I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't notice Rosalie's hand on my  tight.
OMG... Don't get flustered, don't...

"hmm...what are you doing? "  I said with a blush on my face.
Damn...I'm probably redder then a tomato, good thing Becca's not here, she would tease me for so long, and then stalk Rosalie but anyway.

"I said the bell ringed, it's time to go to class, pretty girl" said Rosalie with a soft smile.
Her smile is so beautiful and her lips... I wish I could but my lips against hers...

"Anna" she said with a stern voice

"Ah yes, sorry" I said shyly

She smirked, while looking at me.
Damn I have to get out of here.

"hmm... Right
Well I'll be going to class. Bye Cullens and Heles"  I said and run away

Well that was a success...

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