Chapter 4. Toilet Conversion

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I went to class as quick as I can.
When I got there I went to the teacher and said

"Hello. I'm the new student, Annabelle Mikaelson. It's lovely to meet you Ms....?" I said waiting for the teacher to finish the sentence

"It's Ms Alver. I will be your Art teacher for the rest of the year Miss Mikaelson" said Ms. Alver

Ms Alver is a tall woman, has black hair and green eyes. She's quite beautiful.
Only if I didn't have my eye on Rosalie I would've went for the teacher.

"Alright Ms" I said with smile

"Ok Annabelle you can sit on the third roll, on the right next to the window" Ms Alver said

"Ok Ms Alver. Thank you"

I went and sat at my seat and waited for class to start.

Just as I was thinking I won't have to worry about any of the Cullens especially Rosalie for whole class, someone sat next to me.
I can smell her she smells like apple and cinnamon, oh bloody hell...She already has me wrapped around her finger and we just meet...

"Hey pretty" said Rosalie with a smirk

"Um.. Hi" I said while blushing

Damn, can she be prettier?

"Hmm" rosalie hummer

"I see someone is nervous. Tell me pretty girl, do I make you nervous?" Rosalie said with a smug face

Oh my god, she knows


"I mean, No you don't. There's no reason to be nervous around you Rose"

Rosalie raise her left eyebrow at my words and spoke

"Rose? Hmm giving me a nickname already I see"

"Well yeah. You give me all those pet names so it's only fair I give you a nickname at least."

I didn't think when I was talking and definitely didn't mean to call her this, but I like how it sounds when I say it.

"Girls please pay attention and stop with the talking" said Ms Alver.

"Sorry Ms" both me and Rosalie said at the same time

I trying to paying attention, but I can feel Rosalie's eyes on me, the while time.
I was starting to get kinda uncomfortable, but then I got an Idea.

I raised my hand

"Yes Miss Mikaelson" said Ms Alver

"May I please go to the toilet?"

"Yes Annabelle"

Great. Now I just have to stay there until the lesson is over.

I got up and headed to the toilets.
When I went in and actually used the toilet then after that I started to wash my hands. Just as I was done washing my hands suddenly I felt somebody's hand on my shoulder. I jumped and almost screamed. When I turned around It was Rosalie.

"OMG what are you doing here Rosalie? How did you get here without me noticing? And did you have to scare me?"

"Wow. Calm down baby girl, I didn't mean to startle you" Rosalind said with a soft voice and took a hold of my waist and pulled me into a hug.

It's actually so nice to be hugged.
I haven't been hugged since I got on this Earth, the last person who gave me a hug was Freya. Bloody Hell, I miss my family SO MUCH.

I was in deep thoughts and didn't notice I was crying. But Rosalie did.

"Hey, Hey. What's wrong princess?"
Rosalie said while pulling away from the hug, she sounded so worried. I whimpered when she pulled away, I didn't want the hug to end.

"I- nothing, I'm sorry" I said trying to avoid explaining.

"Baby I know there's something, if there wasn't you wouldn't be crying. Now please tell me" said Rosalie with a soft voice but also it didn't sounded much as a request but more like a command.

I didn't know what was wrong with me and unintentionally I told her

"I just miss my family, so much" I said between sobs

"Ow, I'm sorry sweet girl, what happened to them?" she said with a bit of curiosity in her voice but still was obvious she was very worried about me.

"Um... They- they're...Let's say they're lost" I said trying to think of something that's not completely a lie but not exactly the truth.

I feel as if I can't lie to her. I fell...
I feel so safe in her arms. I want to be back in her arms so I just hugged her and I'm not planning on letting go of her anytime soon.

Without hesitation she just picked me up and started to carry me to somewhere. I didn't protest I just hid my face in her neck. I didn't notice where we are or that we arrived at the destination she was heading to. I didn't even notice we're not inside anymore. We were in front of a car. Rosalie took her keys out and unlocked the car.
She sat down in the drivers seat and put me on her lap. I was still hiding my face in her neck but now her hands were resting on my waste and she was whispering sweet nothings in my ear.

I felt so safe and loved in her arms that I started to fall asleep. Rosalie noticed that.

"Go to sleep little one, I'll be here when you wake up." she whisperer in my ear

"Hmm okay" I said and afterwards felt asleep almost instantly.


A/N: I'm personally imaging Ms Green like a modern version of Alma Peregrine.

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