Chapter 10. Halloween Party

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After clases were over I got home quickly to get ready for the party.
Dressed in a Victorian style dress, black lipstick and my hair left down in delicate waves.

While putting makeup on I mimicking my vampire face, put contacts in, and some fake blood around my lips letting it drip

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While putting makeup on I mimicking my vampire face, put contacts in, and some fake blood around my lips letting it drip. I'm not willing to reveals myself to vampire here, I didn't turn anyone because of the risk of being discovered by the Voltari. I've done a great job hiding from the world.

I decided I would just leave with my own vampire fangs, figured it won't make a difference, except I can maybe have a snack later.

As I take take my purse I hed towards the car. After putting the address on Google maps I star driving.

After 10 minutes I arrive at my destination, the house is in the woods. I can even smell from the car; drunk teenagers as I hear them mumble stupid stuff. Delightful, I don't mind parties but with teenagers I definitely DON'T like them. However it's really easy to find someone to drink from when it's full with drunk people.

I get out of the car and walk towards the house.

Now I hope the owner is near by so they can invite me in...

As I get close to the door I see an latina looking small girl waiting on the door welcoming guests. I think her name was Angelica or something like that. When she sees me she blushes and waves at me, as I come close I smile at her.

"Hello there" I say in a kind voice, by accent showing strongly.

"Hi. I'm Angela, and you're Annabelle- I mean you must be Annabelle" she says with a flustered face probably a little embarrassed.

"Ah yes, I'm Annabelle, but please call me Anna." I say with a kind but teasing smile.

She looks like a nice girl, maybe we could be friends.

"Um.. Please come in, Anna"

"Thank you, Angela" I say and step food in her house, smirking.

I find my way around the house and after looking around I get towards the kitchen to find something to drink. I get a cup and por myself some red rum, mixing it with some diet coke. After walking around for some time I spot Rosalie, making me freeze where I'm standing.

She's as beautiful as always, her costume being an angel, well suiting for her. For a moment I forget how to breathe, from her beauty... Oh my goodness...

"Anna?" suddenly someone said and I snap out of it, realising it was Rosalie who spoke to me.

"Um.. Hi" I say with a deep blush on my cheeks, trying not to shutter.

"Are you alright, sweetheart?" she asks with a teasing tone and a smirk on her angel like face.

"Ye-a, Yea I'm fine" I said trying to sound normal.

I've been alive for a thousand years and I'm a mess for a human... Can I get anymore lower? If Nick saw me, he would scold me and tell me "Nobody is good enough for my baby sister" he's pain in the ass, that's for sure.

"Let's dance, sweetness!" she said a little lauder over the music.

I nodded and took her outstretched hand.

She pulled me closer, holding me by the waist almost in a possessive way, but at the same time holding me as if I'm a thousand years old archeology treasure. I can feel her cold breath close to my neck making me shiver, but not from displeasure but the exact opposite.

I look up, seeing her angel like face, unable to take my eyes of her. Suddenly she makes eye contact with me and smiles. My hands are gently around her neck, and at the moment of the contact she pulls me even closer. Slowly she leans in, almost connecting our lips.. Until there's a crash heard.

I pull away, and listen with my super hearing, I hear a young man groan and I smell smoke and blood. The young man moans in pain and people star rushing towards the vehicle the young man was in.

Suddenly Rosalie pulls me into her once again but this time holding me a lot rougher, as if she took of the baby gloves. I look up at her with a questionable look.

"Rose?" I ask

But she doesn't answer me she just holds me tighter.

After a few moments she looks at me.

"We're leaving. Now" she says leaving no space for argument.

Rosalie guides me towards the exit, her left hand on my waist and her eyes looking around.

After a minute or so we arrive at my car and I take my keys out. Rosalie opens the door but before I can sit in the driver's seat she stops me.

"I'm driving, sweetheart. " she says but once again she just letting me know she's not asking.

I decide to not argue with her and go towards the passenger seat and before I know it she's by the door opening it for me.

"Thank you." I say smiling at her, and blushing slightly.

"Of course, darling" she said with a soft smile.


A/N: Now I did check the descent of the actress who plays Angela and it says she is with Mexican, Italian and Irish descent. I don't know if she's considered latina or not. And I don't know if Angela is any part latina, but it was easy to describe her. And remember I haven't read the books, all the knowledge I have for Twilight comes from the movies.

Thank you for reading this chapter!

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