Chapter 8. Overwhelmed

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I'm walking in the hallway, holding somebody's hand. I can't see their face but I can see it's a girl and she has a beautiful blonde hair. She's laughing, she let's go it my hand and puts her hand on my wast holding me tightly and with a hitch of possessiveness.
Just then I open my eyes and realise I'm in the comfort of my bedroom.
That must have been a dream, again.

What happening with me, lately?!

The dreams, and showing weakness in front of Rosalie, something is seriously wrong especially with the second one.

Now I wish I had my brother to snap my neck so I can snap out of it!

Before I know it I was in my living room walking in circles.

Okay...just calm down Anna, everything's gonna be alright, Who am I kidding?!
Nothing is gonna be alright while I'm separated from my family!

Suddenly my head starts to hurt so painfully that it's if someone is stabbing little wooden stakes, soaked in vervain in my brain. I know exactly how it feels cause it happened in about the 14th century. Stupid hunters.
I couldn't breath, trying but failing every time, I feel down on my knees and was holding my head for dear life, little whimpers turn into screaming. The pain increasing, and I'm screaming in pain, tears drip down on my cheek and down on the floor.
At that moment I hear some loud knocking and yelling from the other side of my door I presume,but it's somewhere in the background I don't know if it's in my head or if it's real.

Then I hear someone break down my door and I hear the angelic voice of Rosalie.

"What's wrong Annabelle?! What happened? Babygirl? " whispered yelled Rosalie with a worried expression on her beautiful face.

"Ahh.. M- my hea- my head" I say as I take a deep breath in and out, my words being broken down from the pain

"Hurts. It hurts. Make it stop, please!" I yelled, pleading with Rosalie

Rosalie grabbed my waist and suddenly took me in her arms, carrying me brutal style to my bedroom and laying me on the bed.

The moment she touched me the pain started to decrease, and the closer she is more it decreases more. By the time she laid me down on my bed the pain started to fade and I was only whimpering, she went to let go of me but I whimpered.

"Stay, please" I said with puppy eyes and my voice sounding off from the screaming.

She looked at me softly and nodded. She then laid down as well and moved me on her chest wrapping her arms around my wast and kissing my forehead.

Before I know it, I had fallen asleep in the arms of the Angel at my bed.

------------------------------------------A/N: I guess Anna has a thing for failing asleep in Rosalie's embrace. What can I say, if I was her I would be the same.

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