Chapter 9. Halloween

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After the accident or maybe I should call it a metal break down, maybe? Anyways... After that I woke up in the arms of the Beautiful Rosalie Hale, I was a total blushing mess, but you would be too if you woke up with you head on her chest and her arms around your waist, wrapped tightly.
After that I took I few days off. Now it's Monday and Halloween! Yay!
Ever since the Halloween tradition and costumes developed I only wear two types of costumes, a vampire or a witch.

I know how original, right?
But considering I'm actually a witch and a vampire, it's kinda ironic, I find it funny.

I walked towards the first period, aka English, which I have with Alice and Emmet.
Some people had little costumes on, but I didn't wear a costume, yet.
Talking about costumes, Alice is wearing one. She is dressed like a fairy.

Oh now I Definitely know my nickname for her, Tinkerbell.

"Hey Tinkerbell" I greet Alice with a smirk

"Tinkerbell?" Alice asked surprised

"Yeah, cause you're dressed like a fairy. Therefore I shall call you..Tinkerbell" I said giggling softly

"Someone's happy" I heard a low voice say behind me. I turn around a see it's Emmet. Who is dressed like Hercules, I assume.

"Yeah. I'm super happy! I love Halloween!" I said with a higher pitch in my voice and with a enormous smile.

"Well you should come to the Halloween party tonight!" said Alice, with an exited smile

"Yeah...Sure" I said trying to act cool.
Oh dear, how I can't wait for the party.

At this moment the Ms Green came in and everyone took their sits.

"Today we're going to continue on reading 'the ruby in the smoke' class" said Ms Green wit he a slight smile.

Oh I love that book, I've read it so many times.

The class went by pretty fast and next thing I know it was time for lunch. that was fast. When did three periods went by?

When I arrived at the cafeteria, Rose came from behind me and smiled warmly at me.

"Hey there, Pretty girl." said Rosalie while pulling me into a hug. Rose holding me by the waist, and my hand around her neck. My head standing near her neck, making our hight difference pretty cute.
As I pull away from the hug and smile at her.

"Hey Rose!" I say with a happy voice

She giggles and puts her hand on my lower back, gaining me towards the tables.

"Let's go eat, shall we?" said Rose with a soft and loving smile

I nodded and smiled, walking towards the tables, having her so close to me feels so good, I feel so safe.
Sometimes Rose reminds me of a 1940s women, the way she talks sounds like them quite a lot. Hmm

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