Chapter 5. Unknown Place

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I groaned as I opened my eyes only to see that I wasn't in my bedroom in fact I wasn't in my house at all.

I closed my eyes and listened

I can hear birds, water moving and  no heartbeat in the house where I am at the moment.

I opened my eyes the moment I remembered what happened before I fell asleep or more specifically in whom's lap I fell asleep...Rosalie

That must be her bedroom. She must have brought me here after I fell asleep on her lap at her car.
I wonder where is she and also why she lives so far away from people like me.

I kicked the blanket away from me and got up from the bed. I walked towards the window only to see it's more windows then walls. All I can see is trees. It's so beautiful, I don't know who would choose to live in the city instead of here.

When I look around the room I'm really impressed by it. It has a vintage look but also a bit modern.
The little walls that the room has are painted light grey. The bed is a king size and looks from the early 1900s maybe 1920’s.

It's truly magnificent bedroom decor

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It's truly magnificent bedroom decor. Rose has great taste.

I wonder if it's gonna be awkward after what happened. I truly don't know what happened, why I suddenly broke down, I mean I know I've been keeping my emotions in for over two centuries. But what makes her special?
Why do I feel like I can trust her with anything?
I fell like home when I'm with her...
I don't know if I should let my feelings out or just ignore them.
Maybe I should give it a chance.
I could ask her out.

As I walked towards the desk I saw my shoes were next to the desk. Then I heard a car pull in the driveway.
I figured it's Rosalie so I took my shoes in my right hand and made my way downstairs.

A/N: It's short, but I figured it's better to update more often then to have very long chapters.

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