one more shot

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The two squad lieutenants lead the newest squad member into the common room.

"Hey, everybody, this is Rick Newhouse, he'll be joining us on squad to replace Clarke" kelly announces, "good to meet you guys" newhouse greets, "hi, Newhouse, where you from?" cruz asks, "last job was squad 6, south side, but I'm real happy to be here, heard some great things about this crew" newhouse explains, "welcome" cruz nods as the lieutenants introduce newhouse to mills, capp and tony when the alarm blares, "truck 81, squad 3, ambulance 61, man injured, 4107 logan drive", the crew arrive on scene to a man stuck in a wood chipper, "we need to remove the housing to access the feed roller" matt explains, "Newhouse!" carter shouts, newhouse walks over with the tools, "got em", "let's get to work" kelly instructs, carter stands back allowing kelly and newhouse to take the lead, "the feed wheel is hydraulic, we're gonna need to power this on to lift it" mills explains, "no, we can't risk starting the motor again, It could pull his leg further in" carter explains, "If we take out the motor and disconnect the bearing guides, we can move him manually" matt says, "let's do it" kelly agrees, the two male lieutenants get the man's leg out without turning the motor on again.

Carter watches as shay's ex devon hovers outside of 51 as shay walks out to talk to her before turning round and heading back in.

"You want us to talk to Devon? we have plenty to say" carter offers, "no, I got it" shay declines taking a minute before walking back out with the two following her standing by the front of 81 as shay angrily berates devon and walks back in, "so you're not gonna call the cops?" carter asks curiously, "look, if she goes to jail, we'll never get anything back" shay says, the crew get a little downtime before the alarm goes off for the second time that shift, "truck 81, squad 3, ambulance 61, boat accident, michigan avenue bridge and riverwalk.

Kelly, capp and newhouse suit up in the diving gear as carter, mills and tony pull life vests on.

"I hear diving's your specialty" kelly reveals, "check it out and let me know" newhouse says, "we're probably gonna need the rescue raft Mills" carter explains, "I was guiding her in, all of a sudden, the Captain just accelerated, took out the dock" a man explains, "hey! you all right?" matt shouts, "hurry! we don't know how much longer we can hold him" the man at the top of the dock shouts back, "are there any more in the water?" carter asks, "just Dennis, but his leg is stuck, we can't pull him up" the man explains, "Otis, charge a four-inch line, Cruz, let's get the aerial across to the boat, Herrmann and Mouch, get aboard and help the victims" matt instructs, "guys, it's 25 feet deep here, let's get a ladder, secure it to the wall, and have tools ready to bring down to us, all right? let's go" kelly instructs mills and tony, the crew carry the rescue boat over and take it across to the dock as kelly and newhouse swim over, "okay, guys, we're gonna bring you in, okay?" mills says as he helps the first man on and the others help the second man on taking them to safety before heading back out.

Carter nods to kelly giving permission for mills to take the lead.

"Mills! we need you to hang on to Dennis when we go back under, all right?" kelly asks, "yeah, copy that" mills agrees as he leans over and gets ahold of the man, "he's showing signs of hypothermia, you got five minutes" mills instructs, "got it" kelly confirms as he and newhouse dive down freeing the man before surfacing, "all right! pull him up" kelly instructs, "give me your hand, Tony" mills instructs, the two work together to pull the man up, "pull him up!" kelly instructs as the two get the man on, "we're good" mills confirms and the three take the man ashore, "hey Mills, that was some good work out there good initiative as well with the hypothermia signs" carter praises, "thanks lieutenant" mills nods, carter walks over to herrmann and mouch and kelly joins her, "hey, you guys ever find that Captain?" carter asks, "do the honours" herrmann nods, mouch pulls the door open, "he's all yours", the two officers stand in front as herrmann and mouch begin pulling the man, "get up" mouch instructs as they hand the man over, "see ya" herrmann remarks as the officers take him away.

Carter and Kelly walk over to the kitchen where shay is.

"Hey" shay says, "hey" kelly reciprocates, "nice job getting that guy out of the water, you and newhouse worked well together" shay compliments as she heads to the the fridge, "yeah" kelly agrees, "what are you gonna do about Devon?" carter asks as shay walks back over and sighs, "I told you both, I'm gonna get our stuff back, trust me, I'm not carrying a torch for this girl, all right? If she doesn't get our stuff back soon, I'm gonna call the cops", "just don't let her use this to get close to you again" kelly warns, "I won't, I got to go, I told Dawson I'd run a quick errand with her" shay says, carter follows after her and takes a bite of the sandwich she'd made in the kitchen before she leaves the room, "payback for the time you stole my coffee and never got me the starbucks you promised me" carter says, shay shoves her playfully and heads off to the ambo, the trio get ready to leave when shay reveals she's going to meet devon, "now you're going on a date with her? give us a break, she's not good for you, why can't you see that?" kelly yells, "you have to know Devon's playing you" carter adds, "she said she has some of our stuff to return, I told her I'd meet her for a drink at molly's, you know? what's wrong with that?" shay asks as otis joins the trio, "you're meeting up with Devon? Devon, the hoodlum, Devon?" otis asks, "yes, she showed up, she says she wants to make things right. I'm just trying" shay explains, otis cuts her off, "does she still have my viper helmet? because that is the only way things will ever be right again", "look, I am doing my best, I am trying to get back what she stole from all of us, okay? so can you just give me a little credit that I'm not a complete dupe?" shay asks before walking away, "how did that just get turned around on us?" otis asks, "because apparently Kelly and I are the bad guys for worrying about this and now apparently you're the bad guy for asking about your stuff" carter explains.

The couple sit in the common room at the table listening as newhouse tells cruz, otis, mouch and herrmann a story from his side job.

"So he kissed his wife good-bye, heads off to work, and vanished, right, police have no leads, but his wife tells us that he likes old cars, specifically mustangs, so me and my cousin we start looking through classifieds in neighboring states, sure enough, that's how we found him, buying a stripped-down, candy-apple red 1967 shelby in iowa city" newhouse recalls laughing, "yeah, the guy moved there, changed his last name, and even married another woman" newhouse finishes, "you're kidding?" otis asks, "no" newhouse says, "oh, great move, though, getting him with the car" cruz says, "seems pretty common sense to me" herrmann shrugs, shay walks in carrying a bag and an envelope, "got something for you" shay reveals passing otis the bag who pulls it open finding his viper helmet, "oh, my gods", "ah, your viper helmet" cruz pats otis' back, "how did she get it back? I can't believe any collector would just buy this and then let it go" otis asks, "hmm, she found a way" shay shrugs, "thank you" otis says, shay walks over to the couple and hands kelly the envelope, "hey, 500 bucks from Devon, It's just a down payment on what she owes" shay explains, "did she put this money together, or did you take it out of your savings to cover for her?" kelly asks, "she was helping out her dad, okay? she feels really bad, she's gonna get us back all the money" shay says, "you think this is about the money? It's not about that" kelly reveals, "It's about her being a liar and stepping on you, again" carter clarifies as she and kelly walk off, the crew gather at the tower for updates on ambo, "dispatch, let chicago med know we're gonna deliver on-site and then transport" gabby explains, "copy that" the dispatcher confirms, "second watch will be here in about 20 minutes" boden reveals, "there's no rig, by the time they're suited up and ready to go, dawson could be en route to the hospital" matt explains, "she'll never leave a victim's side without backup" mills reveals, "hey, Mills you're emt certified, would you go swap with Gabby? if Chief allows it so she can make it to the test" carter asks, "yeah sure" mills agrees, the two look at boden alongside matt, "go. 81 you take Dawson to the academy" boden instructs.
season two episode twenty one

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