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summary: you fall asleep in eddie munson's trailer (your boyfriend) and he comes home to find you cuddling a pillow version of himself. he decides to take a nap with you.

word count: 688

short one today :)
this one has me kicking a screaming into my pillow with how cute it is.

it wasn't uncommon for you to arrive early at eddie's trailer. but today you were well over an hour early, forgetting he had band rehearsal with his friends.

his uncle had let you in, reminding you of eddie's prior appointment, and just let you chill out in eddie's bedroom until he arrived.

after a half hour had passed, you were already settled on eddie's bed, staring up at the walls as battery lowly played from ed's tape player.

you enjoyed eddie's music taste, his clothing taste and basically everything about him. he was even teaching you how to play his guitar.

slowly getting up from the soft sheets, you made your way towards eddie's small closet, opening the swinging door and shuffling through his many dark articles of clothing.

your eyes caught your favourite shirt to see on eddie. his hellfire shirt. he had two; a short sleeved one and a long sleeved one. his favourite was his short sleeved hellfire club shirt. leaving you to claim the other whenever you stayed the night.

your tiredness was starting to get the best of you. your eyes were blinking faster in an attempt to stay awake and your eyelids were starting to burn.

so, you decided to take a nap.

stripping from your clothing, leaving nothing but your panties and bra on, you pulled the hellfire article of clothing over your head.

taking in a big whiff of eddie's cheap cologne, you smiled at the thought of your lovely boyfriend.

it didn't take long before you were bundled up in eddie's bed, a pillow held tightly between your arms and a blanket sprawled and intertwined between your legs.

your body became soft and limp as you had finally fallen into the sweet hold of sleep.

an hour had passed, eddie being slightly late to arrive home. he cursed under his breath as he pulled up, your car parked by the end of his trailer.

eddie munson knew you didn't care if he was late, as long as he didn't stand you up and had reasonable excuse to back up his tardiness. this time he didn't have an excuse. he just lost track of time.

opening his front door, eddie's eyes paused on his uncle who was napping in the living room before work, needing as much rest as he could possibly get.

his eyes scanned the room before they landed on his closed door at the end of the short hallway. he could hear the end of his tape playing, meaning you had been here for well over an hour.


quietly, eddie placed his keys on the small side table by the door before making his way towards his room. he took hold of his door handle and slowly turned the knob before opening the door.

what he didn't expect to find was you huddled up into his pillows and blankets, asleep. he took notice of how you had arranged the pillows in the size of his torso so you could fall asleep "cuddling him".

without even a second thought, eddie started tossing articles of clothing off. the first to go was his jackets. both denim and leather. then was his hellfire shirt; which he noticed you were matching. then his shoes, socks and jeans were gone, leaving the munson boy only in his boxers as he inches closer to the bed.

he watched your mouth twitch lightly as a loose strand of hair fell down your face and landed just below your nostrils.

as soft as he could, eddie slowly removed the pillows from your arms, instead pushing himself into their position so you were cuddling the real him and not the feather stuffed version.

as your hands were placed around his waist, you finally moved, pressing your body further into eddie's warm body. it was like your body was craving his touch more than either of you realised.

smiling down at you, he planted a soft kiss on the very top of your head, pooling his fingers through the strands of your hair and letting himself fall into a soft, dream filled sleep along side you.

EDDIE MUNSON - imagines; discontinued Where stories live. Discover now