little drunmer girl

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summary: you're gareth's older sister and you're back from college on spring break. eddie drops by to pick up his guitar only to find you playing the drums.

word count: 1,177

i don't know how much is accurate when it comes to guitars and drums. my brother plays the drums and this is the best i could do :)


the house was empty, your little brother and some of his friends were on a three day school trip and your parents... well... they were hardly ever home as it is.

you were back from college as spring break had started and you just couldn't sleep. you weren't used to falling asleep earlier than midnight, especially when you didn't have assignments piling down your throat.

it was now almost 2 a.m., the seconds ticking by so slowly as you looked up at the clock in the kitchen. 1:53 a.m.

sighing, you picked up a clean glass from the drying rack, filling it up with tap water and chugging the room temperature water until the glass was empty.

your eyes glanced to the open garage door across the living room that faced the front of the house. your gaze found your brothers drum set. well, your old drum set.

your feet shivered as you walked into the garage, your bare feet moving against the concrete. the drum set was worn down and you could see the indentation yours and gareth's drumb sticks had left behind.

the entire time you were at college you had missed the feeling of being able to belt out whatever you wanted whenever you had the urge to. there was no room in your dorm room for another person let alone an entire drum set.

plus, they would have never allowed it. you would simply get too many noise complaints and you would've had to get rid of the instrument anyway. this way your brother could play in his band, corroded coffin, and you could play whenever you were home.

you picked up the sticks, forgetting how natural they felt in your hands. you missed it.

testing out the waters a little, you started up a soft beat, seeing how rusty you had gotten over the semester.

but before you knew it, you were absolutely pelting against the instrument, already back in your natural element. the heavy breathing, the feeling of the drum skin against the wooden stick, even the way it tired you out faster than playing the guitar would. you missed it all. so much more than you knew.

time seemed to fly by and now you were playing the beat to rainbow in the dark by dio and your heart was racing. your arms were getting tired from the months long break you had taken from the instrument.

your toes were getting cold, the cool atmosphere against the concrete floor freezing your toes almost to a breaking point.

though, the rest of your body was sweating. your sweatshirt had come off long ago, the fabric strewn out on the floor to your right.

but you were in your element. nothing could do anything to break you away from the pace you were working at.

not even the lead guitarist and singer of your brothers band opening the garage door on his way to pickup his guitar. he was sure it gareth playing, but when he opened the door and saw you beating against the skin, he stood there frozen.

eddie munson had no idea that gareth's sister knew how to play drums. even better than gareth himself. saying he was shocked was an understatement. he was absolutely bewildered at the sight before him.

he couldn't lie; the sight did turn him on a little.

noticing you hadn't noticed the garage door open or eddie munson standing in the wide gap of the metal, he cleared his throat loudly, the music stopping abruptly at the interruption. he was surprised you heard that and not the metal squeaking on metal.

"oh, shit!" you gasped, your hand coming to your chest to regain yourself from the startle eddie had given you. "you scared the fuck out of me." you sighed, placing the drum sticks back in their spot.

standing, you took a step towards your sweatshirt and pulled it back on, the breeze from outside nipping at your sweaty shoulders. "what can i do you for?" you asked eddie, pulling your sweat covered hair away from your face and into a sorry attempt at a ponytail.

"i just came by to pick up my guitar." eddie spoke, his eyes falling to his guitar that sat to the side on a guitar stand, the red underneath the cracked black shining through with the light of the streetlights.

"at 2 a.m.?" you quipped, a small laugh leaving your throat. "you can come inside if you want. just close the garage door." you turned to walk inside, the loud squeaking from the garage door making your ears wince. how did i not hear that before? you thought.

eddie jogged in behind you, "uh, well, gareth is normally awake now and your parents aren't really home on saturday's so i thought i'd just drop by." he spoke, his hands running through his hair nervously. he's never been inside the house without gareth and it made him jumpy.

you opened the fridge, bending over and picking out a can of cheap beer from the fridge. you looked back at eddie from the fridge, "want one?" you asked. he gulped slightly, trying his hardest not to let his gaze slide while you were still watching him. he nodded, mumbling a "yes" and sighed silently when you turned back and grabbed out another beer.

turning, you tossed the can to eddie and jumped up on the kitchen counter. the cool counter against the thin fabric of your pants made you shiver lightly, but you warmed up.

"gareth is on some class field trip until tomorrow, by the way." you informed eddie, taking a sip of the cold beer in your hand.

eddie's face fell into realisation. he had completely forgotten about the field trip. he wanted to go, but he just couldn't afford to.

"i didn't know you could play." eddie said, his thumb pulling the tab of his drink open, the throth of beer almost spilling over before eddie had licked it up. he was electing to ignore his stupidity.

you snorted, taking another sip of the bitter alcohol, "where do you think gareth learned to play?" you watched as eddie's eyebrows furrowed, his expression turning to that of confusion. the more he learned about you the more shocked he got.

"you taught gareth how to play?" he asked himself more than you. fuck, i'm in love. he thought to himself. though, he would never speak those words into existence. "makes a lot of sense considering you're way better at it than he is." eddie emphasised 'way better' which made you giggle slightly, your cheeks burning red at the compliment.

"wanna play something together?" you asked, placing your beer onto the kitchen counter before jumping down to meet eddie.

"it'll be a little difficult without base... but sure."

eddie munson would never say it out loud, but he was seriously considering asking you to replace gareth. he loved the kid, truly, he was one of his greatest friends. but you played the drums like you were born for it.

EDDIE MUNSON - imagines; discontinued Where stories live. Discover now