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summery: you joke about eddie's dick size to two girls, despite not actually knowing, and it gets back to eddie.

word count: 980

i was very high while writing this and have no idea what it is.

this is the only time i've had any time alone to proof read anything since i last posted :(

you'd heard the rumours spreading. there was a 'dick list' written on the girls bathroom stalls, ranking each hawkins high seniors dicks in size and girth.

it was found three days ago and you had yet to use that bathroom since the list appeared. as the days ticked by the list grew longer, more boys names and sizes added to it.

you were in your free period, only a few students roaming the halls as you trudged along to relieve yourself.

the bathroom with the list was closest to you. you figured this was a good enough time to check it out than any. you didn't care to know who had the biggest or best dick you were just curious.

your curiosity always got the better of you, unfortunately.

it wasn't long before you were staring at the list, eyes wide when you spotted the top name. eddie fucking munson. the high school repeater, the freak, had the best rated dick out of all the seniors at hawkins high.

you knew eddie. his uncle was close friends with your father. you grew up knowing eddie but never getting to know him. he just came over from time to time with his uncle. he always avoided you and eventually stopped coming over with his uncle when he was old enough to stay home on his own.

you weren't friends. you just existed in the same world.

blinking, you came back to reality as giggling voices entered the bathroom. your hands were under the faucet, soap suds being washed away.

"do you think it's really that big? i mean, it's the freak we're talking about here." one of the girls scoffed at her friends who was rambling about the list. "has anyone actually confirmed it or are we going off a rumour?"

your eyes sparkled with amusement. they seemed to be so concerned with the truth behind the list. you found it funny.

so funny, that you blurted out something you knew you shouldn't have.

"oh yeah, it's true. fuckin' huge." you spin around, fake smile on your lips to hide the fact that you didn't mean to say that at all.

"really?" the girls giggled at the new information you had told them.

before they could question you further you excused yourself, saying you had class to get to. you couldn't believe you just said that. it was a total lie and you didn't lie. you hated lying.

days had passed and you had completely forgotten about the encounter in the bathroom with those two girls. you were too focused on prepping for the test you had next period.

you were busy digging your hands through your locker, trying to find your missing note book. it had all of the notes you had taken in math that you needed to brush up on before your test.

after a few minutes you finally found the book, grasping at the spine and pulling it from your locker.

"any idea why half the female population of hawkins high is talking about the size of my dick?"

the sound of eddie munson's voice made you squeak in surprise, your notebook falling and crashing to the cold, tiled floor at your feet.

your eyes were wide, your chest rising and falling and your heart was pounding inside your ribcage. eddie had scared the life out of you.

"don't scare me like that." you huffed, bending down and picking your book back up. you checked the pages to make sure none were bent before dropping the book into your book bag.

"i'm waiting for an answer, hon."

you swallowed thickly. eddie's intense stare made your stomach churn in nerves.

"it was a stupid joke and i didn't even mean to say it. i actually have no idea why i said it, but it was stupid and i shouldn't have said it—" laughter. laughter cut you off from finishing your sentence.

eddie munson was laughing, hands pressed up against the wall of lockers to hold him up as he clutched his stomach.

he was laughing at you.

your mouth was ajar, your brows knitted together in confusion as the curly haired boy before you attempted to hold his body weight up from his own hysterics.

"oh, fuck," he gasped, catching his breath, "your fucking face." he wiped his eyes then gestured to you. "beat red."

your expression turned sour, eyes dropping as you watched him. he was starting to annoy you. so you slammed your locker door, purposefully making it rattle against the metal holding it together.

without giving eddie another second to compose himself, you started walking away. you had missed enough of your lunch period as it was. you still wanted to eat before your pre-test nerves got the better of you and made you feel nauseous.

"hey— wait," eddie chased after you, his metal chain chiming every time his leg slammed down onto the floor with every long step he took.

stupidly, you stopped walking. you turned around, watching eddie pause his steps and adjust his flannel.

you noticed he wasn't adorning his usual jacket and vest. only a typical band tee and a blue flannel was draped from his shoulders.

"i actually don't give a shit about what you said." eddie said, a goofy grin plastered on his lips, giving you a wide display of his teeth. "i couldn't help myself. the look on your face really topped it." he started laughing again, but you weren't having it.

"eddie," you said firmly, catching his attention."shut the fuck up."

he stopped laughing, his laughter dropping short. he paused for a moment before his lips quirked up and formed a shit-eating grin. "make me."

you groaned, spinning on your heel. "for fuck sake."

eddie chased after you, his loud, whiney voice echoing through the halls. "oh, come on! it was the perfect moment!"

EDDIE MUNSON - imagines; discontinued Where stories live. Discover now