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summery: you're working the late shift and a customer needs you to phone a mechanic. who other than eddie munson shows up to save the day. except, you can't for the life of you remember who he is.

word count: 1,368

got this idea (sort of) from the mechanic!eddie fan art circling tiktok & tumblr.

just like any other day, you wanted nothing more than for your shift to hurry along so you could get home, smoke some and go to sleep.

you were always stuck working the night shift. working at a gas station in a small town sucked. the entire night was spent serving the two customers that came rolling through town and getting freaked out at every other sound you could hear.

whether it was the ice machine having a fit or the coffee machine decided it was going to spill coffee everywhere, your shifts always made you want to take a nap in the back room and just close shop for a few hours.

tonight's shift wasn't any different. you were bored, stuck reading the same shitty magazines over and over again while waiting for the hands on the clock to strike 5am. it was 3am now and you were pretty much just snacking on the various foods you brought with you and watching the shitty little television in the corner behind the counter.

head lights and the sound of tires against gravel made you perk up. you watched as a white impala rolled into a spare parking spot to the side of the gas pumps. the owner exited the vehicle, the hood popping open as she bent down to pull the lever.

you watched as smoke piled out of the engine. it was thin and loose smoke, so you had an idea it wasn't a big fix, but the woman still looked unsure of what was wrong.

she started biting her lip before she turned towards the front doors, making her way inside and towards you. she looked nervous. you didn't recognise her at all so you assumed she was new to town or just passing through for the night.

"could you possibly call me a mechanic? i don't... i don't know what wrong with my car and it's not running right... and-"

you cut off her rambling, a reassuring smile on your face. "i can give them a quick call. just a moment." turning, you picked up the phone to your left that sat upon the wall and started dialling the only mechanic in town. who conveniently had staff that worked through the night.

after a few short rings, someone started speaking on the other end. "jeff's garage. how may i help?" there was a voice you recognised on the other end but couldn't place. it was like who had heard it before but the encounter with said person wasn't memorable at all. though, you did have a terrible memory when it came to people.

it didn't take long before the mystery mechanic was on his way to help, the woman's nerves at ease when she heard the great news. she didn't want to leave her car hear and have to beg for a lift to her destination.

she had just moved to town and her entire life was somehow packed into that car. she hoped it could be fixed.

while she waited, she was situated in her car, her windows up and cardigan on to try and keep the cool air out of her vehicle.

you knew it wouldn't take long for the mechanic to get here, but you had gone back to flicking through an unread part of the magazine you were focused on prior to the interruption.

your fingers drummed onto the counter as the music in the background drowned out the sound of the buzzing lights above you.

when the sounds of brakes squeaking came from outside, your ears perked up. it took you a moment to look up, wanting to finish the paragraph you were scanning through. when you did, you could see a mop of long black curls looking down at whatever the issue was on the white vehicle.

you watched him drop his tool box to the floor, his ring clad hands gripping the car as he leaned forward, taking a look at the issue. he was searching around for the problem, his fingers gliding over parts of the car.

when he finally located the issue, he pulled his rings from his hands, placing them in his jean pockets before getting to work.

over the next hour, you tried your hardest to stop watching him. truly, you did. but the way he moved was so goddamn attractive you couldn't help but watch every part of his body squirm as he worked.

you were surprised he hadn't turned around and caught you creeping on him. but eventually, the small issue was resolved and the car was started. the woman was practically speeding out of the station, just wanting to get home.

the mystery mechanic picked up his belongs and you sighed sadly, watching him get ready to leave. your eyes moved from his back, back down to the magazine on the counter. the page hadn't moved since he arrived. you hadn't read a single word since. or you did and the words just wouldn't stick to your brain.

to your surprise, you heard the familiar sound of the front doors opening, the bell on top dinging and the sound of heavy boots making their way inside.

looking up, the same mop of curls was facing away and he was looking in the large commercial fridge that housed various different beverages.

your heart rate picked up as you realised you were about to see the face of the man you'd been fantasising about for the last hour.

time ticked by slower than ever as the mystery hottie chose whatever beverage he was looking for. you tried your hardest to keep your gaze on your untouched, unread magazine page for as long as possible. you didn't want him having even the slightest clue you had acknowledged his existence before he waltzed up to the register.

you didn't hear him loudly stepping towards you, your senses too focused on not paying any attention to him, so when he finally spoke, you almost jumped out of your skin.

"interesting article, huh?"

the sound of his voice over the phone was dreamy enough but in person, it almost made you melt into a puddle of goo right then and there.

looking up from the paragraph you've been fake reading for the last few minutes, you made eye contact with the most gorgeous pair of brown eyes you'd ever seen in your life. you just knew the shitty gas station lights didn't do them justice.

you stayed on his eyes, not wanting your own to linger on any other facial feature for too long. you shut the magazine, pushing it to the side. "not really," you spoke, sweeping your tongue over lips nervously, "is that all?" you looked down at the can of coca cola now rested on the counter, a bag of original lays chips sat beside it.

he nodded, "that's all." every word that dropped from his lips made your knees press further together. you hadn't even gotten a good look at how attractive he was yet and he was already turning you into a mess. god, you didn't even know his name yet. you'd happily look at his name tag but he now had a leather jacket over his work uniform to keep him warm, hiding his name from you.

maybe you were just tired. maybe your brain was making you think this way to try and entertain you until 5am ticked over. maybe if you see him outside of work one day you wouldn't think like this about him.

you had finished ringing him up, pushing his items closer to him so he didn't have to reach too much. he shot you a lopsided smile, muttering a 'thank you' and grabbing his items. even his smile made you want to unholy things.

get a grip, you thought to yourself. you'd never thought of a customer this way let alone a random stranger you'd never met nor seen before.

he shot you a wink, "see you around, y/n."

you froze as he exited the doors, the bell alerting you of his departure. you didn't have a name tag or any identification things around you.

so how the fuck did he know your name?

EDDIE MUNSON - imagines; discontinued Where stories live. Discover now