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summary: you found out you're pregnant and eddie takes the news of wanting to terminate better than you thought.

word count: 731

mention of pregnancy, puke and sex.

if you're pro-life; kindly fuck off :)


you picked at the splintering wood of the picnic table, nerves overcoming you like rain down a hill. you didn't know how you were going to tell eddie the information that was pooling in your head.

your relationship with eddie munson was a secret. both of you had decided to keep it quiet to save both of you anymore bullying from both the students of hawkins high and your very strict parents.

the dates. the late night sex. the cuddling. the phone calls. it was all secret and kept under lock and key. but now, it was all unraveling faster than you could imagine. why?

because you're pregnant.

the test was hiding in your jackets pocket, waiting for the right moment to rear it's ugly head. you didn't know what you were going to do. your parents still thought you were a virgin and waiting until marriage. in fact, they made you promise as a young teenager to promise to not have any boyfriends they didn't approve of.

the sound of branches snapping made your heart race as you were pulled out of your thoughts. you turned around in your seat, the old picnic table shifting underneath you.

eddie's dimples were the first thing you focused on as he smiled at you, getting closer and closer as the seconds ticked by.

before you knew it, eddie munson was taking you in for a slow, loving kiss. it only got more intense as eddie placed his hands on your waist, leaning down to get the right angle.

"eddie-" you tried getting his attention but it didn't work. the kiss had become more heated and you were slowly leaning backwards, preparing to lay down.

"eddie, wait-"

but before you could fully grasp eddie's attention, the pair of you went tumbling to the ground. your back hit the ground, eddie landing on top of you, a small groan leaving your lips at the weight now on your body.

eddie was laughing, kissing your face to make you giggle and forget the temporary pain. "i'm sorry." he chuckled, apologising for making you both fall.

after a few seconds of laughter, the sounds you loved so much coming from eddie had stopped abruptly, making you nervous.

opening your eyes, you saw eddie looking down at the ground to your left, his brows knitted together in confusion.

following his gaze, you watched him slowly pick up the pink and white stick that was previously hidden away in your pocket. your eyes widened and your breath caught in your throat.

"eddie-" you sat up, eddie moving with you mindlessly, his eyes locked on the result of the test.

you couldn't break the silence. you wanted to tell him that you were planning on telling him, but you couldn't. your vocal cords were frozen in place, forcing you to stay as quiet as a mouse.

when his eyes finally met yours after what felt like years of stillness, it broke you. tears were forming in his eyes and his previous smile had dropped to an expression you couldn't decipher.

"what do you want to do?" was all he said, his voice wavering as he spoke.

your voice was low when you spoke, but eddie was close enough to hear every word. "i can't keep it, ed's. i- we can't."

eddie looked down at his fiddling hands before nodding, looking back up at you. "okay." he took a deep breath in before he spoke again. "we'll deal with it. together."

you didn't think he would take it so well. you thought he might have fought for you to keep it, to attempt a speech about supporting you both. it made you almost puke in nervousness.

but the way he just accepted what you wanted made your heart sore. you brought him in for a slow, passionate kiss, tears threatening to spill from both of your eyes.

trying to do this; keep your pregnancy a secret until you could make it go away. it was going to be hard on the both of you. it was going to cost you a lot of money but not as much as a baby would cost not only financially but physically and emotionally.

you were relieved that eddie was going to be by your side through the whole thing. holding your hand until it was all over.

you loved him more than he'll ever know.

EDDIE MUNSON - imagines; discontinued Where stories live. Discover now