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Maybe this was going to be even harder than Alison thought.
Not only has she got children dying around her to think about. But she also had to pretend to be Ari's wife, FUCK! Life really wasn't fair right now.

The team had a meeting out at sea away from the local staff they had discovered on arrival. As much as Sammy would hate to admit it, it was handy to have Alison on board. She explained in her native tongue how her and her husband had bought the resort.

Alison stayed ashore like she promised, Purely here to translate. Plus the fact she couldn't swim. Great idea coming to work at a diving resort Ali...

She kept herself busy around the resort, waiting for them to return to the shore. She knew they were going over plans and what not. Basically things that didn't concern her. She was going to do as she promised.

Ali was sat Conversing with the staff over a drink. She was Telling them about the big plans herself and her husband have for the resort. How they were going to renovate the place to its former glory. Offering diving tours to guests from all around the world.

She had the staff convinced it was all true, hell she was almost convinced herself that this was her real life. Now that would be a dream.

She smiled laughing at something one of the maids said. She looked up to see Ari, and boy he didn't look happy. What was his problem? He was the one who said she could come with them.

Unless he knew the truth. Ali excused herself from the staff. Walking away to the make shift receipt. She closed the little door behind her for it to be opened again behind her. As Ari followed her behind the desk.

"Alison were not here on holiday, we're here to save lives" he snapped, grabbing hold of her arm, pulling her close to him

"You don't think I don't know that?" She spat back, trying to keep her voice down. Last thing she wanted was for the staff of Sammy to hear anyone this.

"The way your acting no"
"I'm just trying to blend in" Ali defended her actions. "Children are dying Ali, you don't need to blend in, we need to save them" Ari explained, raising his voice at her, the anger rising in his voice.

"Then fucking save them Ari, it's what you came here to do" she stormed off, her eyes off of tears. "Shit" Ari cursed, slamming his fist against the counter.

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