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Things were going smoothly, well as smoothly as possible with Ari in charge.

Today he was very handsy, too handsy for the likes of Ali and Sammy. The way Ari's hand fell so naturally on her waist, the soft kisses on her cheek as he passed her.

The hotel was buzzing with life, the fake hotel now a living breathing hotel. Everyone was settled in there jobs to keep up the lie.

Ali ran the reception, keeping everyone in check. "Ari I'm worried" she spoke barley above a whisper. Ari raised a brow at her.

"The staff are talking about us" she confessed looking at the floor, she really didn't want this conversation but she also wanted the mission to be a success.

He stood up from his desk, walking over to her in the door way. Ari placed his hands on her waist, pushing her back against the door frame.

His face inches away from hers. "What about us?" He asked, thoes hypnotic blue eyes gaizing into hers. "That there's trouble in paradise" she spoke, trying not to look at him, praying Sammy didn't walk past.

This was killing Ali more than the loss of her child. This is how she wished her life was. Getting lost in thoes blue orbs, feeling his fingers caress her skin, making love as often as possible.

But she couldn't have that life, Ari was married to another and she had Sammy. The man who had been there for her throughout everything. Even when they lost there child, Sammy still loved her.

The team all knew about Alison's pregnancy and the unfortunate outcome, but they never knew Sammy was the father from a drunken one night affair.

Ari looked over his shoulder to see some of the young girls who worked as maids, they were stood giggling to each other. Ari didn't have to speak there language to know what they were saying.

Her sighed placing a hand on her cheek, rubbing his thumb over the bone. In a swift movement his lips attached to hers.

Alisons eyes grew wide, she hesitated then kissed him back. She knew it was what she had to do to keep the lie alive. She let her arms snake around his neck, her body reacting to his touch.

Ari pulled away with a smile, placing his forehead against hers

"I love you Penny"

It may have been her fake name but it felt so personal to her

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