*I'll see you later*

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(And we're going straight in with it!)

Sleep was a precious thing when you worked in the medical profession.

Alison would know all too well. Even after the clinic had closed she still had paperwork to finish, and the occasional late night clinic she ran with the doctor.

Spread out on her bed like a star fish, dreaming peacefully. Her black shoulder length hair draping over her face. A small moan leaving her lips. Her hips bucked and her back arched slightly at the dream she was having.

A sexual fantasy of her loving boyfriend "Sammy" she sleepily moaned in Her British accent mixed with her Israeli mother tongue. Rolling her head from side to side.

It all felt real, too real.

The knot in her stomach pulling tighter as she was snapped into reality.
"Sammy!" She squealed as she threw off the bed sheets, exposing both their naked body's to the heat. "I wondered how long it would take you to realise" he chuckled from in between her legs, he smoothed his hands up her thighs and over her hips.

Placing both hands on the bed he pulled his body up to hover over hers. His green eyes with a tint of blue connected to hers.

Sammy loved her eyes, how her right one was blue and her left green. He always said they made her look even more beautiful.

Truth was Alison insecure about her eyes, being bullied as a child. Growing up in England as a refugee was one thing but, her eyes were always the thing she was bullied for. She always wore sunglasses unless she was alone with Sammy. "Stop staring" she grumbled looking away from him.

Sammy instantly placed his right hand on her cheek, using his two fingers to make her look at him. "How many times do I have to say it huh?" He asked with a sigh. Gently lowering his body on to hers.

Their sticky skin from the previous night's activity and the morning heat, connecting. " I love looking in to you eyes when I make you cum" he whispered in her ear, one hand running over her side, the other tangling in her hair.

Her small hands gripped on to his broad shoulders, "show me" she challenged as he smirked. With one swift movement he pushed his length inside of her.

Slowly entering inch by inch, placing kisses down her neck and over her breasts. She whimpered at every delicate kiss. Digging her nails into his skin, Sammy threw his head back with a moan.

She took the opportunity to attack his neck with open mouth kisses, nipping his throat with her teeth. Making his hips Buck forward "fuck" he cursed. "Language Doctor" she giggled. There was something about her calling him 'doctor' in the bedroom that really got him going.

Smoothing one hand over his back and hover his neck, pulling him down into a kiss. Sammy moved his hips painfully slowly, he wanted to make this last as long as he could, like it would his last time making love to her.

Moans filled the room, the sound the the head board banging against the wall. One hand massaging her breast softly, the other cradling her head against his shoulder.

Ali kissed any part of him she could reach, feeling his fingers play with her hair. Her hips rolling to meet his slow and steady pace. Each thrust as gentle but hit her stop perfectly, it was like they were made for each other.

They knew each other's body's inside and out, just like she knew about his sweet spot. Ali reached up and placed a soft kiss on his neck just below his ear, sucking on the soft flesh.

"I'm close Ali" he moaned giving her pebbled nipple a pinch, She squeaked at the sensation. Moving her kisses along his jaw before she found his lips.

Their tongues dancing together, neither one of them fighting for dominance.
Their eyes connecting, Sammy saw her pupils dilate, that look of lust in her eyes. With one last thrust the pair of lovers climaxed together. Both moaning each other's name.

Sammy rested his forehead on hers as they both battled to breath again. Sex with Sammy was always passionate, especially when he was going to be leaving.  "Your going away again aren't you?" She asked with a sigh.

Alison knew what he was doing was important. She was only five years old when she had to flee her home in Jerusalem. Being shipped off to England to live a life without war. She always hated it when Sammy went away, it aways reminded her of that day her mother handed her over to the British navy officer.

Sammy knew she tried to hide how she really felt about the situation. Always thinking about others than herself. She may have never been in a mission but she was always on hand the other end to help.

The silence between them was a clear enough answer. Sammy peeled his body off of her and laid beside her. Pulling her body close, his arms holding her in place. "I don't have to go" he broke the silence.

He knew Ari would be pissed at him and try every trick in the book to change his mind. But he didn't want to leave Alison as much as she did want him to leave. She looked up at him shocked, did those words really come out of his mouth?

She placed a hand on his cheek, smoothing her thumb over the bone "But you do, your the best field doctor the team has" she gave him a sad smile,  "They can find someone else" he argued.

"just promise me you'll come home alive?" She asked, tears threatening to fall at the thought. She knew what Ari was like, taking risks, no one gets left behind. His an act first, think later kind of guy.  "I can do better then a promise" he smiled, pulling Alison by her waist.

He guided her to straddle his hips, once she was comfy she placed her hands on his chest and rested her chin on top.  "Oh yeah?" She questioned with a raised brow, now this should be interesting.

Smirking, Sammy brushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear "How about when I come home, I make you Mrs Alison Jayne Navon?" He asked gazing in to her eyes. Alison immediately sat up, her hand flying to cover her mouth.

Out of all the things he could have said, this was the one she least expected. They had known each other for six years and been together two, they never discussed the future or marriage, just taking each day as it came.

"Oh Sammy" she breathed, those tears now falling down her face, dripping down on to his chest. Sammy sat up, wiping away her tears with his thumbs. A soft chuckle leaving his lips,
"Ali will you marry me?" He asked again

"Yes!" She answered in a high pitch squeal, throwing her arms around his neck. The pair kissed lovingly, their body's sticking together. But they didn't care about that, all they cared about was being in the moment.

Being on cloud 9

But for how long?

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