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Ali's eyes stung from the dimly lit room, her head pounding. "Where am I?" She question, blinking tomot her eyes adjust to the light. "Your in hospital" a voice spoke beside her.

"Jake? Where's Sammy?" She continued to question. Jake's smile fell at her question. Her heart began to pound thinking the worst had happened.

It was extremely dangerous what they were doing and with Ari being well Ari, death was extremely high.

"He's dealing with an issue back at the hotel" Jake explained, Ali understood there had been alot of unwanted attention at the hotel. That was more important than her right now.

"Atleast you can come home today, we've put up a net in your room and Sammy has gotten you some shit to make sure it doesn't happen again" he explained pulling in his coat.

Ali sat up confused "I dont even know what happened" pulling the thin sheet off her body. "You got bitten by a mosquito" he said as a matter of fact. trust Ali to almost die from a tiny mosquito, she had her money on drowning.

She swung her legs to the side and tried to stand, wobbling and falling into Jake's arm. "Aw look at you falling for me" Jake teased with a cheeky grin. Ali looked up at him unamused as she tried to steady herself.

"Let's get you home" Jake said with a chuckle

Ari was stressed, col. Abdel Ahmed was really on his ass. Dropping by unannounced, wanting to check trucks and people's papers. He was still worried about Ali, he hadn't seen her since the incident in her room.

Sammy wasn't much better, he was desperate for an update from Jake. It was touch and go when he got to her that night.

He didnt know what he would do if he lost her too. Part of his world was already missing.

Jake pulled up at the resort, helping Ali out of the truck and to walk inside. Ari instantly engulfed her in a hug "I was so worried about you honey" he beamed having his 'wife' home.

Ali didn't hug back, she knew nothing about his confession or the insident in her room. She just wasn't in the mood to pretend right now.

"The doctor said I need rest" she spoke with no emotion in her voice, pulling away from his body and walking away. She decided not to go to her room, it was too easy for Ari to find her.

Sammy sighed as he closed his room door. "Sammy" a quiet voice spoke behind him. Turning around he saw her, Ali sat on his bed.

He quickly made his way over to her, pulling her as close as he could to him. "you scared the shit out of me" he confessed, running his fingers through her hair, breathing in the perfume he had grown addicted to.

"Sammy I need you"

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