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"Alison?" Sammy asked as he walk into the room, spotting a distressed Ali sat on the bed. He closed the door behind him, rushing to her side. Her cheeks were stained from hit tears rolling down, her eyes bloodshot.

She couldn't look at him, her eyes glued to the floor, mouth dry. "Ali?" He questioned, worry lacing his voice. He placed a hand on her cheek, rubbing his thumb across her soft skin. "Talk to me baby" Sammy begged. He couldn't help her unless she spoke to him.

There wasn't any physical damage to her body, no cuts or bruises. "He knows about us" she whispered, he being her now ex boyfriend. He never harmed her physically but neglected her. She would spend hours alone while he worked, never getting any communication if he's even still alive. He would just show up home one day and they never knew how long it would be for.

Sammy gave her that love and attention she craved, a love she had never experienced before. They both knew it was wrong but it didn't stop them. The nights she spent with Sammy were more than her own boyfriend.

"Sammy" she spoke, fighting back the tears. Her odd coloured eyes looking up at him, full of hot tears. "I'm pregnant". The words sank into his brain instantly, pulling her body into his for a hug. She buried her face into his neck as she cried, Sammy could feel the tears running down his neck and chest.

Once she had stopped crying, Sammy had a chance to examine her. Now they equipment they had wasn't as modern as some country's, but he got to hear his baby's heart beating. He knew he was the father, Alisons boyfriend hadn't been home in the last month or so. It would be the only reason he could have known about the affair.

Sammy placed his hand on Alison's none existing bump, imagining what it would feel like in the months to come, feeling the little one kicking. "I love you Alison" Sammy confessed "I'll care for both you and our baby, we're a family now"

Alison groaned as she finished throwing up for the second time that night. She hoped it was the food but Ari was absolutely fine. Sat behind her holding her hair and rubbing her back "better?" He asked, Ali just groaned in response, she didn't have the energy to respond to him.

Ari pulled her against his chest, placing a hand on her clammy forehead. Her pale skin warm to touch, her eyes fighting to stay open. "Shit" Ari cursed, gently placing her down on the cool floor. He bolted out of there room and across to Sammy, frantically banging on the door.

"Ari it's three in the fucking morning" Sammy moaned as he opened his door.
"It's Ali"
"Where is she?"

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