Chapter 1

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I woke up from another nightmare about my mom, She passed away a couple of years ago from a car crash, My dad hasn't been the same sense then, He always comes home drunk and hurts me, After mom passed I have been having the worse nightmares but I have learned to deal with them. Anyway today is another stupid day of stupid school. I hate school so much. But at least I have my friends mike and Dustin.

I got up and got ready for school. I made myself some breakfast, it was just some pancakes. After I ate I got in my car and drove to school. When I got there I went straight to my locker, Someone came up behind me.
Jason: Hey babe, want to go out tonight? He winked when he said that.
Y/n: First of all I'm not your babe and second i will never go out with you!
Jason: Stop being such a brat, and go out with me!
Y/n: How many times do I have to tell you NO!
Jason pushed me against the locker.
Jason: You will go out with me!
Y/n: I WILL NOT! I yelled so loud everyone was staring at us.
Jason got mad and left, He always does this, he wants me to go out with him just so he can get in my pants and when I say no he makes a scene. I just got my stuff and went to class.

When class was finally over it was time for lunch, I usually sit by myself or just at a random table but Dustin and mike asked me to sit at their table, The Hellfire Club table, It's kinda nerdy but I have nothing to lose. I go and sit in between Dustin and Eddie, I knew Eddie a little bit but we never actually talked, I just know he deals and I get my stuff from him but that's it.
Eddie: What is she doing here?
Dustin: Me and mike asked her to sit with us.
Y/n: I can go sit somewhere else!
Dustin: No y/n you can stay here, Eddie has to learn how to share a table.
Eddie: She is not in the Hellfire Club so she can't sit here.
Dustin goes and whispers in Eddie's ear but I could hear what he was saying.
Dustin: Eddie she dosent have anyone to sit with, please just for today.
Eddie: Fine, but only for today!
Dustin: Thank you so much!
Dustin: So y/n how's it going at home?
Y/n: It's the same thing as always, I'm basically taking care of myself now.
Dustin and mike are the only people who know about how my dad treats me.
Dustin: You know me and mike are always here for you.
Y/n: Thank you but can you not talk about this in front of everyone please.
Dustin: Sorry but I'm just checking up on my best friend. He says with a smirk on his face.
I laugh at him and nudge him a little bit.
Eddie: Does Dustin have a girlfriend?
Dustin: If your referring to y/n, she is not my girlfriend but I do have one.
Eddie: Seriously? Who?
Dustin: Her name is Susie but she doesn't live here!
Y/n: It's very surprising isn't it!
Eddie looked at me and laughed.
Dustin: It's not that surprising!
Suddenly Jason walks over to us.
Jason: So your sitting with these freaks now?
Y/n: I can sit with whoever I want!
Jason: You know baby our table has one open sit, right next to me.
Y/n: Give it up Jason, I'm not sitting with you!
Jason then grabbed my arm forcing me up, trying to drag me to his table but I grabbed his arm and twisted it back.
Everyone was staring at us. Then someone walked up to us.
Eddie: You heard her, LET HER GO!
Jason: What did you just say to me?
Eddie: I said let her GO!
Eddie then grabs Jason's arm that he was grabbing me with and pushed it away, I kicked Jason in the balls so hard he fell to the ground hurled up in a ball.
Eddie: You want to get out of here?
Y/n: You just read my mind!

Me and Eddie ran away together out of the school and to a bench into the forest.
Eddie: That was AWSOME!!
You laugh at him.
Y/n: Thank you for standing up for me with Jason
but I can take care of myself.
Eddie: I know but My uncle raised me to always be a gentleman, and stand up for a lady.
Y/n: Well Thank you!
Eddie: It's my pleasure princess, and it was totally badass when you kicked him in the balls, he was literally crying on the floor!
Eddie: I now know to never get on your bad side!
You and Eddie talk for a while before you realize the time.
Y/n: Dang it's 3:30, Don't you have that silly game to play?
Eddie: Hey it's not silly, It's awesome and how did you know about our campaign tonight?
Y/n: Dustin tells me about them.
As you and Eddie start walking back to the school y'all keep talking.
Eddie: Are you and Dustin like besties or something?
Y/n: I guess something like that, I have know him sense he was a baby, My mom and his Mom were best friends.
Eddie: Damn, What was baby Dustin like?
Y/n: He was adorable! He was so sweet even as a baby and you know he had a crush on me for a while when he was like 10 but I never told him I knew, it was hilarious!
Eddie: Does he still have a crush on you?
Y/n: I don't think so, he has Susie now.
Eddie: I can't believe he never told me about her!
Y/n: Well he doesn't talk about it much anymore.
Y'all arrive at school.
Eddie: you know you can watch us play if you want to.
Y/n: Alright,  I have nothing better to do.
Eddie: Great!

You and Eddie go to the Hellfire Club room.
Dustin: Hey y/n, I know you don't play so what are you doing here?
Y/n: Eddie told me I can watch the game.
Dustin: He did? And you agreed?
Y/n: Yeah he did and I have nothing else to do so why not.
Dustin: Eddie never invites anyone! He dosent like anyone in here unless they are playing the game!
Y/n: Really?
Dustin: Yeah, He must like you or something.
You laugh at Dustin and then go sit in the chair at the Corner of the room, You watch the game until it was over.
Eddie: What did you think of the game?
Y/n: I still don't get it.
Eddie: Oh come on, it's fun!
Y/n: If you say so. I said laughing at him.
Y/n: It's getting late, I should get home.
Eddie: Ok I will see you tomorrow!
Y/n: Ok, Bye.
Eddie: Bye!
You go back home.

I got home and seen my dads car there.
Y/n: Great! Just Great!
I went inside and saw him sitting on the couch with a can of beer in his hand and a stack of empty cans beside him. I tried to sneak past him but he heard me.
Y/n: It's only 7pm.
Y/n: I was at school.
Dad: Till 7?
He got up clearly really drunk.
Dad: I am very disappointed in you!
Y/n: I didn't do anything wrong.
He grabbed my wrist really hard.
Dad: You Killed your own mother y/n.
Y/n: I did not!
He raised his hand about to hit me in the face, He swung his arm but I caught it before he could hurt me again.
I pushed him away and ran to my room, I shut the door behind me and curled up in a ball, I couldn't let him see me like this, I couldn't let him win.
I sat in a ball on my floor crying, Dad always does this but he dosent always hurt me. I looked down at my wrist which was really sore and badly bruised, now I have to figure out a way to hide this. After I knew dad was passed out drunk I went to brush my teeth and went to bed.

My hero, Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now