"jesus christ billy.."

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i had a free period and sat in the gym on my phone, i thought my legs were gonna freeze off to be honest. "why's it so damn cold in here" i mumble to myself. "i don't know but it'd be better if you were wrapped up with me wouldnt it love?" i turned to look to see billy standing beside the bleachers. "jesus christ billy! you can't do that!" i said hopping down into his arms. "awh did i scare you darling? i'm sorry." he was grinning so i knew he was teasing. "mhm whatever." "i should honestly leave before tommy gets here cause i do not wanna be around him." i said kinda nervously. "damn, don't you wanna watch your hot ass boyfriend play basketball?" he said grinning. "i love you, but not really." i said giggling.

he held his heart. "ow that hurt my feelings princess. are you gonna make it up to me?" he said smirking. i wrapped my arms around his neck playing with his hair. i sighed and kissed him and then the boys starting piling in the gym. "where are your keys at? i would loveeee to go sit in the warmth of your car." he chuckled and dug through his bag for a minute before handing them to me. "whatever you do, don't leave the parking lot alright? i won't be long. i'll just tell coach i have to leave early for a family thing." he says kissing me once again before walking in the locker room.

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