"im gonna kill that son of a bitch."

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the next day at school i decided to wear a skirt, i didn't really care what tommy thought considering he probably couldn't after what happened to him yesterday. "hey chloe!" i heard a voice say. i turned around to see mike wheeler, one of the kids steve babysits. "oh hey mike" i said smiling. "why are you in the highschool building your classes surely have started by now havent they?" i asked looking kinda stupid. "yeah, uh about that. im kinda doing a report for the schools yearbook and need a high schooler's signature, and besides billy you're really the only one i know." he said rubbing the back of his neck and laughing nervously. "oh of course! let me grab a pen" i said opening my locker before it was slammed shut. "what-" i started to say before i was cut off.

"scram kid." the voice said and i turned to look to see tommy pin me against the lockers. i looked at mike with eyes that told him to go find billy and don't come back. he understood and ran off. "get the fuck off of me tommy." i said looking him in the eyes. "not until you agree to leave billy. or i'll drug you again and make you relive that night. do you remember that night? i do." he said licking his lips. i froze up. "get off of me." i said reaching back and punching him in the face. "heh, playing hard to get huh? i see how it is." tommy said before slapping me across the face. i pushed him off of me and managed to get away from him as i saw billy walk in the doors with mike. he had grabbed me by the hair not noticing billy and i turned around and punched him right in the nose. "i told you to get the fuck off me!" i yelled as i pushed him to ground.

i stood on his chest, realizing it was getting harder for him to breathe before teachers started coming out. "chloe harrington! my room. now!" one teacher said but i clearly had ignored him, stepping down harder on tommy's chest, i could see his face turning blue and he was slipping in and out of consciousness. "fucking touch me again and i'm gonna kill you myself hagan." i said as i grabbed a marker and wrote on his head 'rapist of CH' before walking out of the building and to my car. i was not doing this today.

i saw billy walk out of the doors so i stopped and stood in front of my car. "goddamn i've gotta admit chlo, that was the hottest thing i've ever seen you do." he said grinning as he caressed my face noticing where he had slapped me. i heard ambulance sirens and saw a police car pull into the school. i realized it was hopper so i would probably get off easily. "well shit." i groaned.

493 words

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