he proposes

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      It's been about a year since you and Billy left Hawkins for California. You both finished high-school and never looked back, with the exception of checking on max every other day.. you would call and make sure she was OK and see if she needed anything. She had let you know that Billy's dad had gotten worse with his drinking and started to hit her and her mom. Once she told you this you immediately told Billy that you guys needed to get her out of there. He seemed extremely pissed he may not have liked max at the beginning but she grew on him and he felt that it essentially was now his job to protect her like a little sister. So you both packed a bag called Max and let her know  and set off to  Hawkins to get her.
            "Billy we should probably find a hotel to stay at while were there so your not constantly driving babe. " you mentioned to him he grabbed your hand while his eyes were on the road and nodded slightly.
            "when we get there dont do anything to your dad, I know he probably deserves it but we need to just get in and get out I dont want to deal with trying to bail you out of jail while were there" you explained too him he looked over at you and laughed
         "I promise not to do anything unless its needed, were just gonna go in and help max pack and get out and then go to a hotel for a night or two" he said the rest of the drive was peacefull with the music at a reasonable volume you decided to take a short nap before you got there incase anything did happen you wouldnt be too tired to deal with it properly. 

(time skip)

you and Billy finally arrived in Hawkins and you went straight to a hotel to make sure you had a room ready, Billy got out of the car and went in and booked a room with two beds. You decided to use the phone booth outside to give Max a call and let her know that you guys were in town and to be ready for the shitstorm that was about to happen. You dialed the number and it rang a few times before you heard a voice that you were hoping not to hear. Billy's dad,
        "hello Mr.Hargrove is Max there?" you asked trying to make your voice sound younger.
        "yea hold on a minute whos this?" he asked
       "im a old friend from middle school, I just moved back to Hawkins and we bumped into each other the other day and I wanted to catch up and see what all I missed while I was gone" you said obviously lying, hoping he would fall for it. You heard nothing but silence on the other end for a few minutes then some yelling and finally you heard Max's voice over the phone.
      "hello?" she questioned sounding confused
       "hey Max its me Y/N/N I just wanted to see if your free to meet me at pops diner in a few?" you asked. Max knew your nickname thankfully and she caught on quickly.
      "Yeah I can be there in about 15 minutes, see you then bye!" she said quickly and hung up the phone. You stepped out of the booth and walked back to the car the same time Billy came out of the check in place, he showed you the key and smiled.
        "Max is meeting us at pops in 15 we should probably get going if we wanna be there when she gets there" you said. He wasted no time starting his car up and drove quickly to the diner. He parked and you two got out and walked into pops, suprisingly max was already there waiting for you. She quickly got up and ran to you and hugged you both.
         "I cant tell you enough how much I appreciate this, my mom already knows whats happening and shes agreed to let me go, I let the others know and we already said our goodbyes so lets get this over with" she said hurredly.
       "we should definatly get something to eat first while were here, it gives us time to come up with a plan and a backup incase shit hits the fan" you suggested and they both agreed.The three of you sat down and ordered from the diner and ate in peace. Then came up with a plan. If Neils car wasnt home you were going to just go in and get Max's stuff mainly the important stuff and some clothes and you were going to get out if he was home you were going to sneak in through Max's window and help her pack that way and leave through the window hoping not to get caught. After everyone agreed you all got into the car and started driving to the all to familiar cherry lane.  Unfortunatly Neils car was there, So Max hurredly opened her window and let the two of you in. Once you were in you immediatly started to grab clothes from Max's closet and packed them into her duffel bag she was grabing important pictures and nicknacks and packing them and Billy was standing guard incase Neil came barging in ready for a fight. Once everything Max needed was packed you climbed back out the window and Max started to hand you her suitcase and duffel bag. You grabbed them quietly and her and Billy then climbed back out the window you got the duffel bags in the trunk and closed it with ease and were about to get into the car when Neil came out the front door and saw what was happening. Needless to say he wasnt happy with it, he came running over to the car trying to get to Max, but Billy stepped in his way before he could get passed the drivers side.
         "no dad not this time you need to let her go, we both know you dont give a rats ass about her so just let her leave" he said trying to stay calm, his dad only seemed to get angrier and then tried to hit Billy, Billy dodged the punch and then swung on his dad. He hit him right in the jaw and knocked him on his ass.
        "thats not nearly enough for what you put me and Max through, you deserve alot more where that came from but im not here for you your gonna get what you deserve stay away from Max and dont try to follow us or else" he said with a angry low tone in his voice. You all got into the car and left towards the hotel you booked and went up to the room. Everyone got comfy and went to sleep there was a long road ahead of you in the morning.
     (time skip)
The three of you arrived at your little house in California and Max got settled into her room.
     "we can go to the store tomorrow and get some paint anfd such to decorate so your more comfortable" you told max as she started to unpack her bags. She stopped for a minute and then ran up and hugged you.
     "thank you.." was all she said you gave her a look of confusion
     "if you would have given up on Billy all those years ago then I probably would still be stuck in that shithole getting hit almost everyday for something I didnt do" she said with small tears in her eyes, you didnt hear Billy walk up behind you and he heard the whole thing. he came up to Max and patted her on the head
     "your safe with us kiddo you dont have to worry about a thing were taking the next few days off and then were gonna get you registered back into school." he said with a soft tone and a smile. It made you happy seeing him treat Max nice and act like a big brother to her even though he didnt have to. You and Billy left Max to unpack and you got ready for bed. As you were laying on Billy he suddenly shifted up, you looked at him confused and then he started to speak.
       "look being back in that shithole of a town even for a day and seeing my dad really made me think, I honestly dont know where I would be without you. You bring out the best of me and I couldnt even begin to thank you for all that youve done for me." he said
       "I dont wanna spend a moment of the rest of my life without you by my side.. so marry me and tell me your mine forever" he continued looking you straight in the eyes. You started to cry from the joy, this man that you have loved for so long had asked to be your forever and always, you looked at him with a huge grin and nodded with tears in your eyes.
     "I know I dont have a ring yet but ill get you one soon babe this wasnt a planned thing but I didnt have the time nor patience to wait to ask you I dont wanna spend another moment of my life without being your husband" he said and you laughed a little before replying
    "since when did the big bad macho Billy Hargrove king of Hawkins high wanna settle down and get married to some nerd he met his junior year." You both laughed a bit before he replied
    "since I fell in love with you my junior year" you both smiled at each other before you leaned in and gave him a goodnight kiss and laid back down on his chest, you fell asleep to the sound of his heart beating and dreamt of what your wedding would look like

hey guys I know its definatly been a minute since I have updated and to be truthfull I honestly didnt think this story would get so many views and votes, I have been so busy with work and school I just havent checked on this story much and I know its definatly not an excuse its just life though but I appreciate every single one of you that have read this story so far AND I will try to keep updating as much as I can also has anyone watched the new series.... it gives me some ideas for maybe an Eddie Munson crossover Idk let me know if you have any requests or ideas for any imagines and ill be happy to write one for you, again thank you to everyone whos read and voted and even added this to their story  lists  it really means alot to me

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