your best friend

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Trigger warning there is some DV situations and some nasty words in this chapter so please feel free to skip or not read

        You and Billy have been best friends for a while now, you do almost everything together from fixing up his Camaro and your Chevy Impala to going to parties and you being the designated driver. You knew about his dad and Billy would almost always come over when it happened so you could fix him up, and on nights when you needed to he would pick you up and you two would go for a late night drive. You had been asked out by Jax, another popular boy in school. Billy had warned you about him and that he wasn't good enough for you, but you told Billy that you could handle it and to just give him a chance. 

     (time skip) 

You and Jax had been dating for about six months now and everything was good for the first three, but lately Jax had tried to tell you that you couldn't hang out with certain people including Billy. You couldn't just drop him though because you have been friends for so long that it would hurt too much, and a little part of you actually liked Billy and dating Jax was your only escape from those feelings. Jax had gotten mad every time you would go hang out with Billy. its like something in him triggered and you suddenly became his property. He had never put hands on you thankfully but every time you tried to leave him he would threaten to kill himself, and drive his car off a cliff, you didn't know if he meant it or not and you would rather not risk it. Tonight you went to his house and as soon as you both got there he was already drinking, you had opted out of drinking because you needed to at least be able to walk home since he picked you up. You had started to talk and suddenly he interrupted you.  

          "do you like Billy or something?" he asked with an angry tone coming towards you, you backed up and shook your head no.
           "good because if you did Id have to do something about that" he said with a lower tone than before. He walked away to go use the bathroom and you took this as your chance to call for help, you called the only person that could get here in a matter of minutes. The phone rang two times before he picked up
          "Billy I need you to come quickly and get me Jax is drinking and hes making me uncomfortable and  im scared to try and leave by myself he drove me here so I wouldnt make it far anyways please hurry" you hung up the phone before Jax got out of the bathroom so he didnt know you had called for help. He only continued to drink, about ten minutes later he turned to you and started screaming about how you needed to drop Billy and stop being a whore. He only got angrier when you started to cry
           "why are you crying? you do like him dont you, fucking whore!" he yelled as he backhanded you. You backed up completly in shock and held your cheek. You heard the familar roar of the camaro coming to your rescue. You just stood there crying backing away from Jax, not too long after Billy had burst through the door looking for you frantically. Once he spotted you he noticed you were crying and holding your cheek. He didnt even give Jax a moment to explain
              "your fucking dead" he said before punching him in the face, he repeatedly punched him until you had pulled him off,
        "Billy can we go pl...please I wanna go" you said grabbing him. He stopped as soon as he heard you and got up, he gave you his jacket and walked you to his car leaving Jax a bloody mess on the floor. Once in the car and the heater on he drove you to a motel for the night, he knew you didnt wanna go home after all that and his dad would be home so his place was out of the question, he grabbed a room for the night and helped you to the room. He sat on the bed with you and pulled you into a tight hug.
            "im sorry I couldnt get there sooner darling" he said he looked like he was about to cry when you looked up at him. You shook your head and hugged him back
           "you came.. thats all that really matters Billy, it means more to me than youll ever know, I was going to finally leave him tonight too. I guess this just makes it way easier" you said Billy looked confused for a minute and asked you about why you were leaving him.
           "I never really liked him, I thought if I gave him a chance it would make my feelings for someone else go away but it didnt and now im stuck with the feelings and a bruised cheek" you said with a chuckle. Billy smiled and nodded
          "well whoever the lucky guy is im sure he likes you back so quit being a pussy and tell him when you see him next" he said laughing you thought for a second and decided to tell him..
            "honestly I dont think he likes me back hes always calling me dude" you said laughing, he laughed with you for a second and replied
          "dude im sure he does who wouldnt like you back" he sat there for a second thinking about what he just said and his whole face lit up.
          "wait is it me?" he asked and you nodded. He smiled really big and hugged you again even tighter this time.
        "why didnt you just tell me ive liked you for a while now Y/N" you smiled hearing those words come out of his mouth. He kissed you on the forhead and then your cheek and finally looked at your lips asking for permisson to kiss them, which you granted. Once you pulled apart he smiled and stared down at you.
          "ive been waiting forever to do that.. but if its not too soon what do you say about giving us a try?" he questioned
        "Id like that very much Hargrove" you said smiling. You and Billy laid down in the bed and got comfy. He had his arms around you protectivly like he never wanted to let you go. You both fell asleep to the sound of the tv show you both had picked out, and you had felt much better being in Billy's arms, you never wanted this night to end.

once again thank you guys for the reads on this book, it means so much to me. Yes the "dude" idea was from that cute tik tok trend unfortunatly I cant find who the original creater is but defiantly credit goes to them for that idea. Anyways thank you all for being so patient with me Im trying to at least update once a week but im constantly working right now and im in the middle of moving at the moment so updated may be delayed for a short time. anyways thank you to everyone!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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