she's not good for you

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⚠️ Abuse warning ⚠️

Summary:  you and Billy have been friends for about three months now, you knew almost everything about Billy and he knew almost everything about you, you knew about his home life and you accepted him for who he was, Billy is in a relationship and your starting to suspect something is wrong.

     You watched as Billy got out of the car with his girlfriend. You didn't particularly like her but you tolerated her for Billy's sake, because he mentioned to you that he might love her. All you wanted was for your best friend to be happy. Billy and his girlfriend walked straight passed you ignoring that you even exsisted. That was quite unusual for Billy even when he did start dating her.

You decided nothing against it and shrugged it off and walked to class. Throughout the day Billy avoided you, all contact and he wouldn't answer you when you tried to talk to him. You were hurt. You decided that After school ended you would  just go home and take a minute to regroup before going to figure out why your friend was treating you like this after all it wasn't just you that noticed.

Everyone stared at you while you sat alone and ate your lunch, usually you were sitting with Billy or even your friends but today you didn't feel like talking to anyone because of what went on this morning. After a few more classes you felt this uneasy feeling like something was wrong, you felt like you needed to go to the bathroom so that's what you did.

In the hallway you heard arguing so you decided to hide behind a locker to not disrupt the conversation. You heard the familiar husky voice of Billy.
       "You can't expect me to just drop her she's been there for me for more than you'll ever know, she's my best friend I haven't asked you to do that to your friends so what makes you think that you can do that to me" he said with a hushed voice .

You decided to listen in and suddenly you heard a smack, you gasped Billy wouldn't hit her would he. Then you heard her awful words.
      "How many hits does it take to get through to you, you're mine I don't want you being friends with some slut who thinks she has a chance with you" she said before you heard another smack it seemed like she punched him. You decided that enough was enough you walked out acting like you didn't hear the conversation and you saw her kick Billy in the balls  he doubled over in pain she kneed him in the face before looking up and seeing you.

You were shocked, Billy couldn't do anything because he was a man but you knew you could. You felt this anger inside of you,from her hurtful words, to seeing her hit your best friend knowing he couldn't do anything. You started to walk towards her not saying a word she was to startled from you seeing her to move. 
    " Y/N I'm sorry he really gave me no choice he rose his hand at me" she said trying to make herself seem like she was the victim.
        "Quit with your shit lies Britney I heard and saw everything you my friend are fucked " you said before grabbing her by her hair and throwing her to the ground. 
      "You think you can say that shit and hurt my best friend and get away with it" You yelled. Her eyes widened while looking up from the floor at you .
      "HOW LONG!!!" your voice boomed you were sure people could hear you but you didn't care. She didn't respond which only made you angrier, so you planted your feet on both sides of her and picked her up by her top and said through gritted teeth.
     "You either fucking tell me how long this has been going on or I'll fucking beat it out of you". Before raising your fist.
       "The whole time" she whimpered, this only made you angrier you picked her up and planted her but before she could run away you punched her really hard, she fell to the ground you weren't particularly happy with yourself but you couldnt let him get hurt anymore. You picked her up by her shirt again and got in her face
     "Consider this your breakup, if you go near him ever again I'll fucking kill you, you stupid cunt" you said before throwing her back down and standing up straight.  He stood there completely shocked by your actions, you walked to him and grabbed his wrist before dragging him out to his comaro. You grabbed his keys from his pocket and got in the driver's seat, you were the only girl he. Let drive his precious car, not even a girlfriend could take that from you.  As he got in the passenger seat you stared at the windshield with tears in your eyes.
   "Billy please don't be mad at me" you said in a hushed tone before starting the car. He didn't say a word until you got to your house.
      "Billy please say something " you said finally looking at him. He had tears in his eyes and you couldnt tell if it was because of you pretty much breaking his relationship up or that you found out.
       "I don't know what to say Y/N, you pretty much just beat the shit out of my girlfriend, you found out something I wanted to keep from you that's why I shrugged you off this morning and avoided you " he said finally looking at you.  You had enough you got out of the car and walked to his side opening the door and pulling him out not caring if he was still in pain.

You wrapped your arms around his waist. He stood there in shock usually if he said something rude to you, you'd stomp inside and not talk to him for a few days but this. This was different.
        "Billy I'm sorry" you said before bursting into tears with your face in his chest. He hugged you back and kissed your head.
        "Y/N I'm sorry I shouldn't have kept that from you, I shouldn't have let it get that far, I thought I loved her"  he said, you looked up at him with tearful eyes.
        "She's not good enough for you Billy please just don't go back" you said with tears still coming out of your eyes. He nodded before wiping them away.
        "Let's go watch a movie and eat food" he said laughing when you started to smile, you both walked into your house and sat on the couch, you leant your head on his shoulder and watched a scary movie while eating a bunch of your favorite junk food. Billy smiled and you couldn't help but to think how cute he was when he smiled at you like he was doing at that moment.

So this is just one of the many ideas I have, I hope you guys are enjoying it so far. 

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