work of art

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Summary: you werent the skinniest or prettiest girl in school, you were always being teased and made fun of because of your weight, everyone always laughed or called you a cow. You tried not to let it bother you but it did until you met Billy. At first you were hesitant only scared that he wanted you to be another notch in his belt but over time he proved that he wanted more than that. You and Billy have been together for a good four months now and everyone knew it.

*Not really any triggering moments just some hurtful words*

Your pov

You got out of Billy's car and he walked over to your side. He pulled you in for a reassuring hug.
    "Remember don't listen to those shitheads they don't matter, hell we'll be graduating in a month and you won't have to worry about them anymore" he said with a smile. You nodded and he kissed you.

He grabbed your hand and intwined your fingers as you walked towards the school his words replaying in your head, you didn't bother to listen to anyone as they whispered in the hallway about you and you didn't care that you got glares from the girls at the school you had Billy and that's all that mattered. He looked over at you and smiled as he walked you to your first class. Billy had a basketball game today right after school so he was excused for practice all day, you didn't tell him but you were going to his game to surprise him. He gave you a kiss and was off to practice while you took your seat in the boring history class.

You heard some girls snickering and whispering about you and you just let it go repeating Billy's words in your head and the day went on. Finally it was over and you waited for the game to begin. You paid to enter and sat right in the front row.

Some girls from your class saw you and glared at you, you saw but you decided to sit where you were to  cheer Billy on. The girls sat behind you. But you blocked everything out you saw the boys run out and when Billy saw you his face instantly lit up. He ran over to you and gave you a quick peck on the lips before going back to his game. You laughed as you knew he would be playing his best since you were here to impress you.

You heard the girls calling you names like fat, whore, slut, cow, pig, fatty cake, man-eater and a whole bunch of other names you felt the tears welt in your eyes before quickly wiping them away trying not to be affected by the harsh words. Soon the game ended and those same girls walked up to your Billy and tried to flirt with him but he only walked passed them to you picking you up and hugging you.

    "Y/N I didn't know you were coming tonight" he said with a big grin on his face. 
   "It was a surprise" you laughed, he grabbed your hand and led you by where the parents were waiting for their kids
   " Let me go and change and we can leave and go back to yours yea?" He asked. You nodded and he left. You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around only to be met with the same girls from earlier
   "Y/N I don't know why he's with you but you don't deserve Billy your to fat for him you'll crush him in your sleep" the girl said before they laughed you started to let the tears roll and you heard Billy's voice boom at the girls to leave you alone. He grabbed your hand and led you to his car. He drove back to your house occasionally giving you a smile. He got to your house and you both went to your room.

He started to kiss you and you kissed back, the kiss was full of lust and passion, he slowly began leaving traces marks up and down your neck, you moaned at this action and grabbed his hair by his neck, you heard a low growl and soon you were on top of him grinding as his hands guided your hips to do so. He began to take your shirt off before you stopped him.
   "Billy no I'm to fat for that.." you said holding your stomach. Billy shook his head no.
   "Either take it off or I'm ripping it off Y/N" he said. You were shocked he waited a minute to see if you would take it off but you didn't so he ripped your shirt. You felt insecure as he eyes you
   "Your so beautiful" he said before smashing his lips back on to yours. He unclasped your bra while you took his shirt off, soon you were lying on your bed Billy on top of you. He kissed you as he slowly slid himself into you, soon you were moaning his name as he thrusted himself in and out of you becoming more closer to your orgasm each time. Soon you felt the familiar knot in your stomach and felt that his thrusts were becoming more sloppy you both met your release. He fell to the side of you and turned to look at you and you did the same.
    "Billy I want to loose weight" you said. You knew it wasn't because of the name calling you just wanted to prove everyone wrong, you didn't want to become a twig but you wanted to look more curvy. Billy nodded and looked you in the eyes
   "Whatever you want princess I'll even work out with you" he smiled you laughed and talked for the rest of the night 

*Time skip 10 years later *

You and Billy were still together and you both actually moved to California after your graduation. Billy opened a machanics shop and you were going to college to live your dream. You and Billy both worked out from the day after you said you wanted to lose weight and you lost 100 pounds, you weren't a twig but you were the right size to feel healthy. You walked to the mail box and got the mail while Billy was showering from his long day at work. You looked through the envelopes as you walked back into the house. You noticed one was from Hawkins high. You opened it noticing it was an invitation to your highschool reunion.  You laughed and waited for Billy to get out of the shower to tell him that you wanted to go.  And soon enough you both were sitting at the table and you discussed the topic. He was proud that you wanted to go and prove those assholes wrong and show you off to the shitheads that didn't deserve you. A few weeks later you were both packing a bag and leaving in his infamous blue Camaro to Hawkins.

Once you got there you checked into a motel and you both decided to sleep since the reunion was only a day away.  Waking up for the day was actually exciting, you've never felt this excited to go back to that school. Billy laughed at your hyperness 
   "Y/N are you ok?" He asked and you nodded while putting on some makeup you unpacked your black dress and put it on before throwing Billy his outfit. Soon enough you were both heading towards the school. When you got there and got out people were staring at you, Billy slung his arm over you like old times and laughed as you walked into the school. 

There was a table with name tags and you seen the girls that made fun of you all those years ago, you and Billy made your way over and picked up your tags you laughed at the girls faces and grabbed Billy's hand and walked to the gym. One of Billy's old friends came up and patted him on the back congratulating him on his score and asked for your  name,
   "My name's Y/N" you said smiling as his eyes widened.
    "What happened you use to be.."
   "Fat.. just say it you had no problem making fun of me in highschool, even tho I may have had a bit of rolls it didn't mean I didn't have feelings or a heart so save your compliments and sorrys I didn't need them then and I don't need them now" you cut him off and laughed. You dragged Billy to the dance floor and danced the night away laughing at people's reactions. Billy looked down at you while slow dancing and said.
    "Y/N you really are a work of art, I'm glad I got you before anyone else did" he said before kissing you and continuing to dance while people stared at you.

Pick of the dress is at the top 😊

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