Your pregnant

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Summary: You and Billy have been dating for over a year now, you both had your good days and your bad days but right now you are  both doing great and you are still madly in love with each other.


This honestly couldn't have been the worst possible time to have news like this you thought as you stared down at the test in your hands. It read positive, you've been freaking out about it for the past hour.  How were you going to tell your parents, let alone Billy he's going to freak out. Neither one of us is ready to be a parent. Were both still in high school for crying out loud, and both of us had plans after high school. You decided to tell Billy after school and then hopefully he can help you tell your parents. You got dressed for the day in some jeans and a comfy shirt, through your hair up into a pony tail and left for school. Once you arrived to school Billy was already waiting for you by the entrance. He put his arm around you and asked how you were. 

          "I'm fine Billy, but I have some news to tell you after school" you said and Billy looked worried 

             "why cant you just tell me now Y/N " he replied 

            "because I can't its too personal and important can we just talk about it after school" you said with an angry tone in your voice. Billy stopped in his tracks preventing you from going to your first period. 

      "why cant you just tell me now it cant be that bad." he continued to push the issue a bit further before you finally snapped and dragged him to his car. You both got in and you told him to drive to your spot. The spot you both hung out at when you just wanted to be alone nobody to bug you or interrupt you. Once he got there and cut the engine off you looked at him. You were hesitant at first but then you started to speak. 

      "Billy how would you feel about having a kid someday?" you asked. Billy had a confused expression on his face. 

          "That's the news that was so important that we left school for? so you could ask me how I felt about having kids one day?" he said in an annoyed tone. 

     "Billy that's not the point please answer the question" you said calmly.

     "I don't get the point though Y/N you drag us out of school and to our spot -" 

"Billy I'm pregnant" you interrupted him. He went silent, and had a shocked expression on his face. You pulled out the test and showed him "I found out this morning and I haven't told my parents yet, that's why I had you drive out here Billy I wanted to tell you first" you said and handed him the test. He took it and looked it over for a few seconds before looking at you, he had tears streaming down his cheeks 

     "I'm gonna be a dad" he choked out and you started to feel tears roll down your cheeks as you nodded. He hugged you and didn't let go for a long time. He finally let go of you and sat upright in his seat. He wouldn't stop smiling and he kept looking at you silently

      "Now I was thinking since we will be done with high school before the baby is born we could move to California and live there with our small family instead of being in this small town" you said and his smile got even bigger.

          "I think that's a perfect idea but for now I think we should honestly head back to your house and tell your parents." he said so you both sat in a happy silence until you got back to your house where your parents sat on the couch watching some tv since it was your dads day off. 

             "mom, dad I have something important to tell you, well um we have something important to tell you" you said while grabbing Billy's hand. Your parents turned the tv off and gave you their full attention. 

       "well go on with it darling" your mother said, you nervously held Billy's hand and looked at your parents. 

     "Mom, dad I'm pregnant, and Billy's the father" you spit out, your parents sat in a bit of shock for a second before getting up and embracing the two of you. 

 "I thought you would be mad for a second" you said after they released you from the hug. 

  "darling why would we be mad, things happen and besides your both 18 and your responsible  Y/N we couldn't be more happy for you, yes it could have waited but sometimes these things just come like a surprise honey and we love you no matter what" your mom said as your father nodded his head in agreement.  For the rest of the day your mom and dad had sat around with you and Billy discussing plans for the future and what is expected when the baby is born and how excited they are to be grandparents.  


           Hey I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a minute, I've been so down and not myself I've had writers block for so long and I honestly just couldn't think of anything to write, I'm going to do my best to update more often and make it good, I hope you guys are enjoying the little imagines book so far and hopefully once I'm confident enough with my writing Ill bring a full fanfiction out to you guys, anyways I hope everyone is safe and well, and thank you for reading and voting it means so much to me  <3

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