you save him

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( this is inspired by the satellites music video by Kevin Gates)

Summary: You and Billy have been going out for a few months and He's always leaving your dates early and leaving you in the middle of the night only to find out he hasn't been home either you want to get to the bottom of things

Your Pov

Billy was taking you out on your third date this month and you honestly weren't excited.  He always makes up excuses and drops you off early and your sick of it. But you get ready anyways,  Billy showed up in his signature blue Camaro and you get in
  "Are you ready for some fun?" He asks
    "Yeah i guess" you reply with a sigh. He grabs your hand and you set off..  He takes you to the Drive in movie theater and parks the car. 

       "Do you want some pop corn and a drink?" he asked, you nodded and he made sure to get a big enough bucket to share between the two of you. The movie was getting pretty good and you were enjoying spending time with Billy for the first time you actually felt like it did when you had first started going out, he'd always take you on dates and not drop you off early like he had been doing these past couple weeks. Today was no different though he realized the time and drove you home early. But you knew something was up, Billy had been different with you these past few weeks, he's been getting angry with you over the smallest things and always arguing with you for no reason. He changed so much within the little amount of time you were together. 

              "cant we finish the movie before we leave?" you asked

                  " no I have something I have to go take care of and I cant be late" he replied harshly, you sat in your seat and tried not to get upset, you had a plan to follow him after he dropped you off, you were gonna act like you had gone inside and then wait till he drove off and follow him from a distance. Billy had taken you to your house and you got out and quickly walked into the house and waited for him to leave. Once he sped off you quickly grabbed your keys and your dads revolver just in case you needed it,  and got into your car and followed him making sure to keep a good enough distance and to drive without lights on  to not get  him suspicious. You followed him for a good 30 minutes before he pulled over into a parking lot on the side of a store.  You drove passed and circled into a parking lot and parked for a few minutes. You noticed a group of guys that looked like they were up to no good walk by towards where Billy was parked they were talking very loudly so you decided to listen. 

          "so were just gonna take his money and kill him ? " one guy said 

           "that's the plan, Billy doesn't have what it takes to deal for us" another guy replied.

             "what are we gonna do with him after though" the guy asked. 

          "easy we throw his body in his car and set it on fire." he replied. They walked by your car and you pretended to be looking through your glove box for something. once they were out of site you  knew you had too drive to Billy he most likely  wouldn't see this coming.  You started your car and drove around the block and pulled up just in time to see  them trying to hit Billy , you pulled up and grabbed your dads revolver and pointed it at them and shot, it was enough to scare them off, Billy didn't even care about his car he got in the back seat of your car and you sped off, he didn't say anything to you as you drove back to your house. Luckily your parents weren't home due to being on a business trip so you didn't have to worry about explaining anything. You pulled up to your house and both of you got out and went inside, you didn't say anything to Billy as you sat him down and cleaned his wounds. he grabbed you by your shirt and pulled you in for a hug. he didn't have to say anything you knew that he was trying to say thank you. You finished bandaging him up and you both went up to your room and laid down to go to sleep. 

      "ill take you to get your Camaro in the morning" you stated. he nodded 

       "thank you... i love you" he said quietly 

      "I love you to, but this doesn't get you off the hook of explaining what was going on either" you said 

    "i know" he said as he pulled you closer, you both fell asleep in each others embrace.


hey guys I am so sorry its been forever, a lot of crazy things have been happening lately, and I haven't really had any ideas, due to writers block but I'm back and I'm hoping to update at least once every two or three days, thank you so much for the 10k reads! I didn't expect this to blow up like that anyways i hope you all enjoy again thank you! 


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