Chapter 2

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An odd feeling of coolness had awaken me, i found myself in an empty room. No. It was all dark, cold, and uninhabited. I couldn't see anything, or hear, or even feel the presence of one individual. The ground was wet when i awoken, my clothes are halfway wet, for i found myself laying down on the ground. Alone.

I gulped, looking around, but it was so dark i barely see anything. I begin to panic, searching my pockets, trying to locate my wand. Perhaps i could have a little fortune with me and be able to find it, eventually, i did. I uttered the spell lumos, from then on, a bright light was produced on the tip of my wand. Serving as a flashlight, enabling me to see in the dark.

I begin to look around, but still, nothing. Everything was blank. I know i had less luck to be able to get out of here, i begin to walk gradually, hoping to not fall into something deep.

Suddenly, a stone path had formed in the ground, it was leading to a more darker area. I gulped, having the benefit of the doubt. I knew had no options, no choices. I figured following it was my only and best option. I walked, and walked. It led me to a house, an abandoned looking house. But the eerie feeling of negativity was strong, something was inside. Something or someone. It was in a graveyard, yes, the whole area seemed deserted. Like it was never touched for centuries, or decades.

There was a huge tombstone from afar, across the house. I approached it, being able to see it clearly. It was covered in cobwebs and dust, i wiped it. The name engraved on the tombstone shocked me, making me walking back gradually, stepping away. It was the Riddle's grave. This was their house, this is the mansion of the Riddle's. It was built in 1905.

I've heard histories about it, some are false, some may be true. I've heard it was abandoned after the murder of the whole Riddle family. The glass windows were broken, the roof are all shattered, and every window was boarded up.

Suddenly, i felt more colder, as if something passed me. I feel breathing behind my back, i feel goosebumps all around my body.

"[F/n] Potter..." A whisper said to me in my ear, i swiftly turned beside me, seeing no one around. Thinking it was probably my head messing with me, hallucination. "You've grown. You were just an infant, where i last saw you corporally that night." A man muttered behind my back, which i swiftly turned around. A good looking man was standing still, his hands together. He was young, still in his teenage years, maybe just about three years older than i am.

"Why the fuck are you here? I killed you, just two years ago." I asked him in such an ill-mannered tone.

"I see Dumbledore hasn't been teaching you about proper manners, hm?" He grinned, "You see, [F/n]. You haven't fully destroyed me, you only destroyed a part of my soul. Let's say, what i am now, i'm just in your head. I'm not real. Not yet."

"And what do you mean by that?" I asked, whilst he was constantly walking around me.

"After attempting to kill you and your brother years ago, which took place on halloween. I was, well, terribly ripped from my body. I wasn't able to regain a permanent and physical body since then." He paused, approaching me closer, "I spent four years as a shell, suffered through those years because of two children that i couldn't kill,"

"That's not my fault, Tom. Do not blame me for your failures, you didn't succeed on killing us both because you are vile.." You paused, "And stupid, Tom Riddle."

"Do not dare use that muggle name!" He yelled at me loudly, approaching me face to face, "I am now being called as, Lord Voldemort. And only, that. I wouldn't risk using my muggle father's name."

"People may have feared you, but i didn't. And, i never, ever will. Despite of your, recent and such odd changes. It won't ever let me fear someone like you. You're just like me." I muttered, whispering close to his face, my breath going over him," Lost, alone, abused by muggles, and most of all. A powerful, sorcerer."

He scoffed, but he remained still, no emotion. He grinned, holding his hands together. "I will return, alive and well. Powerful, and inevitable. Ego revertar in novissimo die competition, [F/n] Potter. I will see you soon. But this time, it will be real as it would ever be." He muttered a language that i couldn't understand. From that moment on, he disappeared in the shadows. A light was glowing above me, i looked upon it. A figure of a white Phoenix was shown, the light grew and grew, until my vision was completely white.

I found myself, on my bed, back at reality. I opened my eyes instantly, and sat on my bed. My hair was all messed up, my hands were shaking, and my whole body felt cold.

I couldn't wholly could believe what had just happened, but it did. I knew something was up, something bad is going to happen. It was a warning, a signal for everyone. He said something, some sort of words that i couldn't figure out. I didn't know what he meant by it, but that probably was his way of confusing me more. He wanted me to figure out myself, he made situations more difficult for me. That's what he wanted, but i'll eventually know, i always will.

He was underestimating my abilities, and my reputation as being the [F/n] Potter. The daughter of one of the two most powerful sorcerers. It was clear to me that he was somehow also afraid, he was afraid that we might be able to kill him, destroy him once and for all.

He failed to kill us before, and he will fail again now. It was almost sunrise, Harry was still asleep. Though, he was sweating, a lot. He keeps on turning, something was happening to him, in his head. Or in his dream. Suddenly, the scar on my neck was aching. I touched it, putting pressure on it hoping for the aching to stop. Then, sudden scenes appeared on my head. It was in a graveyard, Harry was on it, myself, and another person whom i don't know. Including Peter Pettigrew, the Death Eaters, and Lucius Malfoy.

I gasped, breathing rapidly. I gulped, getting out of bed and heading downstairs. I went out, it was still early. That definitely wasn't a coincidence, it was a message. I exhaled, looking upon the sun rising itself. The breeze was still cold, and it was peaceful and relaxing.

If that was really a warning, i've got to be ready for it. Harry has to be ready for it. It seemed like he was competing to challenge, there was a big glowing cup on the ground. I'm not exactly sure how they went there, but, it means danger.

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