Chapter 16

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I sat at our table, eating my food. I changed into my new clothing, my favorite sweater, and some sweatpants, along with wearing my comfy socks and slippers. Everyone would usually be dressed in jackets, hoodies, or sweaters whenever winter is coming. The aura or the breeze of the wind becomes colder and colder each day, which makes it more necessary to wear such thick clothing.

I ate porridge and toasted bread, along with hot white-chocolate. This combination is superb. My favorite combo meal when I was years younger. Now having to mention the first time I tasted it, it was from Dudley. I ate his left over and was forced to finish all of it.

Despite the peaceful ambience, I snapped back the moment Harry approached our table and immediately engaged a conversation.

"So, how's the interview?" He asked, whilst shifting his position to a much comfortable spot. Preparing to eat his food.

"Not so good." I replied. Harry opened his mouth to speak, but quickly closed it seeing my expression. He knew I had a bad day, and the least he could do is making me more irritated by asking so much questions.

"Alright then," He paused, plopping a spoonful of mashed potatoes with corn and chopped carrots. He suddenly looked at me up and down, with his eyebrows furrowing in a confused manner. "Did you change your clothes?"

"Yeah, the blind ferret bumped into me earlier. He was holding a glass of juice or water- So, it spilled all over my fucking shirt,"

"Huh?- Malfoy?"

I eyed him, for which he instantly shook his head.

He cleared his throat, "I'm going to strangle that stupid cunt!"

I rolled my eyes, irritated at his way of saying it. Almost heard like he was mocking me or making me look stupid. "God- Can you shut up?"

He looked at me, raising his brow. "Seriously, I mean it."

I scoffed, "Whatever."

He sighed, and continued to eat his food.

But, I spoke again. Feeling guilt of ruining his day because of the interview I had, for which I took my anger out on him. "Speaking of, I have to tell you something."



"Just say it here,"

"Someone might hear us.."

"Nah, I doubt that."

I groaned, making my way over to the opposite side of the table to which Harry is sitting at. I sat beside him, leaning closer to his ears with my hand covering the side of my face.

"Sirius told me to meet him at the Gryffindor common room, exactly one' o clock. If anyone else hears this, Harry, I swear to merlin- We'll both get fucking killed." I whispered, thus, leaned away.

"Alright," He said, thus got back on eating.

I rolled my eyes, "You're a pain in the ass,"

"What'd I do now?" 

"You're annoying,"

"I'm not-"

"-Yes you are!"

"No, I, am, Not."

"Yes, you, are." I said, teasing him as I smirked.

He scoffed turning away. I beamed widely, returning to my seat. Somehow, i've only realized that Ron and Hermione wasn't here. So as Ginny and the others. But, that didn't bother me much since they might've went to the library.

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