Chapter 3

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Me, Harry, Hermione, and Ron took place at the dining table. One of us was either eating, or half awake, or just sitting there and staring at space. I sat on my seat, not fully awake. I was still tired, i didn't get enough sleep. Hermione on the other hand had a bunch of energy, she was ready for the journey. Same as Harry. While me and Ron, well, we're the same.

Good thing we dressed up, brushed our teeth, washed our faces, brushed our hair. We were ready, but, not fully. Well, me and Ron. Harry and Hermione is definitely ready, just need something to get my energy back up.

I shot up on my foot and walked back and forth, trying to restrain myself from sleeping. I gently slapped my cheeks whilst walking, trying to distract my brain from shutting down its system.

"Would you like some coffee?" Harry asked, offering a cup of black coffee to help with the fatigue.

"Yes please," I ran up to him, grabbing the cup from his hand and took a sip. I sat on the chair, sighing in such relief. I could feel the warmness of the coffee going down my throat and into my stomach. "This is, heaven."

"Can i have some? You know, to help with this," Ron asked, as i gave him the coffee and calmly drank it. He sighed in relief, "This is the best coffee i've ever tasted, thanks [F/n]."

"I know right? Thanks Harry by the way, he's the one who made it after all." I said as he gave back the cup, while casually sipping on it. Ginny, George, and Fred came downstairs. They joined us in the table, and ate snacks or also drank a cup of coffee or a cup of tea.

"Good morning, fellas. Had a good sleep?" Fred asked everyone, no one replied, only stared at him casually. "Suppose not." He muttered, taking a seat.

Mr. Weasley suddenly interrupted, going inside the house, "Kay everyone! Eat up, we'll be leaving in a moment. Freshen yourselves, pack your things, brush your hair -"

"Yes, dad. We've already done that." Ginny responded, as everyone informally stared at Mr. Weasley.

"Oh, well, that's good. Finish up eating and we'll be leaving shortly! Continue eating now, otherwise you'll have to stay behind." He ironically said, to which he chuckled whilst going out of the front door.

I vaguely smiled, i had finished eating, so as Hermione, Ron, and Harry. We all cleaned up our mess, washed our plates, and went to our rooms to finally pack our remaining things for the trip. All was left downstairs was Ginny, Fred, and George.

The moment i stepped in the room, Harry was sitting on the bed alone. He was holding a picture frame of mom and dad, glared at it for a moment. I leaned against the door frame, beaming.

"I miss them too, so much. I've always wondered what they smelled like, whenever we shared hugs and kisses." I approached him, and sat beside him, "But, i never did. I never even saw them, physically."

"Yeah, i wondered the same. I've got mom's eyes, and you've got dad's. That's probably one of the reasons why you look... you know, fierce? But, dad has got some pretty eyes." He said, whilst smiling. I chuckled over the fact that i really had dad's eyes, everyone around me always mentioned it.

"Yeah, well, at least i have you." I sighed, laying my head over his shoulder. He, too, smiled. He laid his head on top of mine, hugging my back.

"Yeah, you have me. And, i have you. You're the only family i've got, i don't know what i'll do if i lose you too. Think i'll just leave as well, besides, i won't have a reason for staying."

"Not entirely, even if you lose me, you still have Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and the others. It's you i'm worried about, really. I'm still young, and... you? You're sort of getting old."

"[F/n].. I'm just a year older than you, keep that in mind. Alright?" He chuckled.

"Oh, right. Yeah, lol."

"Anyways, want me to help you pack?" He stood up, offering his hand to me.

"Nah, i shall be independent." I grabbed his hand, helping me to lift myself up.

"Wow, splendid! That's a new thing for a new day."

"Shut up." I scoffed, whilst opening my suitcase and efficiently put in all my remaining things. I closed my suitcase after everything is ready. Harry already went downstairs along with his things, i instantly went downstairs together with all my belongings.

It's almost sundown, and everyone is prepared. All the suitcases were placed in the living room, and we'll be the ones carrying the suitcases that we can hand carry. Hermione, Ron, Harry, and Ginny was standing outside the house, waiting for the others.

"Hey." I approached them, which they all turned to me.

"Hey, [F/n]." Ginny spoke with her soft voice, taking my arm.

"You better make sure you've brought everything, otherwise you'll have to apparate back here." Harry beamed.

"I've brought everything, four eyes. Oh, and, i still don't know how to apparate."

"Four eyes? What the bloody hell is that?" Ron interrupted.

"Oh my.. Are you being serious right now?" I swiftly turned to Ron, asking him.

"I'm being serious right now, i've never heard of it. I don't live in the muggle world, as you, Harry, and Hermione does."

"Four eyes, Ron. Its basically a slang insult to someone who wears glasses. It's a muggle joke. Clearly, you wouldn't understand that." Hermione explained.

"That's a bit odd, but wicked."

"Don't mention it to a muggle though, they won't be happy about it." I said.

"Of course they wouldn't, it's an insult." A moment of silence has begun, suddenly Mr. and Mrs. Weasley came out of the house and closed the door behind themselves.

"Alright everybody, are you all ready?" Mr. Weasley said delightedly, which, he looked excited for the trip.

"Wait, where's Fred and George?" Mrs. Weasley asked, looking around. Suddenly, they both appeared behind her.

"Behind you," They said in unison, which startled Mrs. Weasley. She moderately shrilled in a state of shock.

"You two should stop it before i take away your wands, Fred and George Weasley!" She yelled.

"Yes, that is very wrong indeed boys," Mr. Weasley said sarcastically, which we all try to hold back our laugh. "Well, we have to go. Come on now, let's go." He said, as we all walked our way through the forest.

"Be careful!" Mrs. Weasley yelled, standing still at the front door seeing us leave.

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