Chapter 41

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We all sat at the table for breakfast and headed to the burrows right after we fixed ourselves. I suppose a little visit wouldn't hurt, right? As we arrived at the burrows, we were soon greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, who were anticipating our arrival. I assume they talked it out about us coming over.

Mrs. Molly instantly gave me a warm embrace as soon as she saw me, as I too, reciprocated that hug.

"Hello, Mrs. Weasley."

"It's nice to see you dear, [F/n]!" She exclaimed jovially. It was obvious that she was happy and excited to see me.

"Is everyone inside-" As soon as I spoke, I was startled by the sudden leap of hug of Ginny. She jumped on me whilst hugging me firmly as if she'd never seen me for decades! "Ginny!" I exclaimed, hugging her back.

"[F/n]!" She exclaimed back. "It's so nice seeing you here!" She said whilst we both parted from our hug and held hands.

"So nice seeing you too," I said, whilst looking at the door seeing everyone else going outside.

Ginny turned to Cedric as soon as he saw him standing behind me, "Hello Cedric! Did you sleep well with
[F/n]?" She asked that on purpose, which caused me to glare at her intensely.

"Yeah, you can say that," Cedric replied, standing still with both of his hands in his pockets.

"Good then!" She said, thus, just as we were about to approach the others Hermione also suddenly leaped unto me and gave me a tight hug. "Hello Hermione!" I exclaimed, hugging her back firmly.

"[F/n]! We've missed you!" She exclaimed, as we parted from our hug.

"We've just seen each other a few days ago," I said whilst beaming.

"Yeah, but still!"

I laughed upon her nonsense, Ron and the others also greeted me with a hug and a hello. Also Fred. But not Harry.

"Hey [F/n], fancy seeing you here." He said with a faint grin.

"Yeah, perhaps I could visit you guys for a little while."

He nodded his head, whilst we talked I didn't even notice Cedric coming up to me and held my waist with his left hand as he remained still beside me whilst listening to our conversation. He knew about me and Fred and what happened, he knew that Fred had a crush on me before. I could see he was still on about that.

Thus, with our talk ending, Harry came up to me with both of his hands in his pockets and kept a stern face. Soon as I saw him, my smile dropped.

I cleared my throat and so did he.

"[F/n]." He said austerely.

"Harry. I was expecting to see you here,"

"So did I." He said whilst giving me a fake grin, oh how low can he be!

"Care to show me now?"


"Why not?!"

"You broke your promise."

"That was because of you though!" I said.

He only let out a scoff before turning away and crossed his arms. Now, with the atmosphere being more and more tense, I wouldn't want this fight to last long.

I sighed, outstretching my arm towards him. "Truce?" I said, secretly doing the puppy eyes for show so that he would feel pity. Firstly, he looked at my hand and back to me.

He was hesitant about it and it was obvious.

Thus, him knowing that this argument won't last long, he sighed deeply and held my hand. "Truce."

I beamed widely, pulling him in for a firm hug as he groaned and tried to push me back. "Great choice brother!"

"Shut up [F/n] or i'll take it back."

I pursed my lips immediately and did the zipping my mouth thing, for which made him laugh a little but snapped out of it immediately. So, with everyone getting together, we all went inside and ate some snacks in the living room while the adults talked on the dining room. I'm glad that they decided to put up a tv for us. And so, we all settled in comfortably. With me sitting in-between Cedric and Ginny, Ron sitting at the arm chair, Hermione at the other arm chair, and Harry, George and Fred sitting down on the floor eating popcorn.

I took the remote and pressed Netflix. They didn't have an account there so I signed in mine, I pay for it monthly through PayPal since I love to watch movies in netflix.

"Horror?" I asked all of them. For which they all agreed, except for Ron, of course.

Ron shook his head, "Absolutely not."

"Aw, but you love horror!" I exclaimed, teasing him.

"I hate it! It all comes with spiders!"

"I promise this won't come with spiders!"

He gulped, not having a choice since the majority of the people who picked horror was all of us except for him. And so, he nodded with a sad expression on his face. I beamed widely, and thus picked a movie with no spiders included.

Finally with the movie starting, I leaned my head against the back of the chair as Cedric put his arm around my shoulder and leaned his head on top of mine as we continued to watch the movie.

Hours passed everyone fell asleep on the living room, Ron was snoring, Harry, Fred and George leaned their heads on the couches whilst sleeping and is still sitting on the floor. That leaves me and Cedric wide awake with the movie almost ending, this is a second movie by the way. And when the movie ended, I turned the tv off as me and stood up and fixed ourselves before going upstairs.

The adults were already asleep, and Cedric's dad already went home and left us here to stay with the others and spend some time with them. Me and Cedric stayed in one room and had to sleep in one bed since they had no mattresses left. I took a bath, brushed my teeth, did my skincare and changed my clothes whilst Cedric waited for me to finish.

When I went out of the bathroom he was there waiting outside with his arms crossed, he grinned as he saw me and held my waist.

I smirked, "What?" Putting my arms around his shoulders as he remained holding my waist.

"We should've taken a bath together, we could've saved more time.. don't you think?" He grinned mischievously.

"No-" I said whilst laughing as I parted from him and leaped unto the bed and covered myself under the duvet.

He chuckled, "Alright, i'm gonna take a bath." He said, as he went inside the bathroom and closed the door.

Minutes passed he went outside with his pjs on and settled in bed with me, no, we aren't doing any sexual related matters here alright? We both made sure to have at least 1 meter distance from one another, although, having to spend the rest of the night together in one bed talking and laughing. It was fun yes, we didn't even notice that we broke the 1 meter distance deal because we got so carried away.

Thus, we both fell asleep with us cuddling in bed. I laid my head on top of his chest and rested wrapped my arm on his waist whilst he held my head gently, I could feel him breathing on my hair as he slept tightly.

I remained still, forcing myself to sleep because of how awkward this felt to me as it is my first time sleeping with someone. Just sleeping. Regardless, I felt safe and comfortable, and that is what matters.

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