Chapter 25

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Such loud noises of music erupted around the hall, students dancing in the dance floor, screaming and chiming to the music. Everyone gathered in the floor rigidly, jumping and dancing. As I, too, danced with Cedric, Hermione, Ginny, Harry, and Cho Chang. All of us felt the aura of the song, and feeling astounded by the sudden appearance of the band named The Weird Sisters who performed now for the yule ball.

We laughed together, danced together, and felt the strong ambience together. It was a fun night, i've never felt more alive. Owing to the fact that I never went to parties, or to a club, or anywhere else that included such blaring music.

Although, despite from all the dancing. I had to take off my heels, and continued to dance like i've never danced before. Thus, from the crowd, seeing Ron sitting alone with Padma.

I approached Hermione, yelling in her ears as the screams and music and the crowd were to loud. "I think you should dance with Ron!"

She replied, yelling too, "What?!"

"I said.. I think you should dance with Ron! Poor guy is sitting all alone at the table!" I yelled back, gesturing at the table where Ron is sitting at. Looking bored and somewhat disappointed.

"Why would I need to dance with him??"

"Just go! He looks sad! He might be disappointed at you for not asking him to dance!" I said, laughing afterwards. For which Hermione sighed, and approached Ron. Whilst I continued dancing with Cedric.

Eventually, after all the dancing I had with him, O felt tired but happy at the same time. We both chuckled as we left the dance floor, suddenly seeing Hermione and Ron fighting from afar.

We both looked at the two of them quarreling, being absolutely confused to what they're fighting about. "What's up with those two?" I asked Cedric.

"No idea," He responded.

"Wanna know why?" I asked. Thus, with no hesitation, Cedric grinned and nodded.

We then approached Hermione and Ron, "Hey hey! What the fuck is happening here?" I asked, which both of them ignored me.

"It's not my fault he asked me first! If you have built up the courage to do so!" Hermione argued.

"Oh, now it's my fault? Look who's siding with the enemy! Did you ever think about what [F/n] would feel if she sees you dancing with the enemy?" Ron declared.

"I am not siding with him! And besides! He is not an enemy! Have you ever thought of why the tournament happened in the first place? It signifies fellowship and courage!" Hermione said.

Ron rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Fellowship? Is that what you want to call it? That bloody dragon almost killed

"This is not about the dragon, Ron! This is about being mature and accepting what is. But clearly, your mind is acting so immature!"

Ron sneered, and huffed, "You know what? Just forget it. Enjoy dancing with your new 'best friend', Viktor Krum." He scowled, thus left the Great Hall.

Hermione only stared at him leaving, she instantly sat down and tears started to roll down her cheeks. I sighed, sitting beside her, comforting her as being her friend. She explained everything to me after she calmed down. Obviously, Ron was jealous and hurt knowing that Hermione was with Viktor Krum.

Hermione left the ball after wiping off her tears and ranting onto me, Angelina and maybe also Parvati and Padma came with her. The music had slowed down, only a few people were dancing at the dance floor. Including me and Cedric calmly dancing through the soft rhythm of the music.

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