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"Breath Y/N," the doctor urged you while seating you on a chair, his hands on your shoulder as the four boys sat on a couch in a corner.

"Right," you said shakily, "I am just scared."

"Nothing will go wrong," he stated, "I have been practising for around 20 years now and have had around 400 patients, nothing has ever gone even slightly wrong; trust me."

"Alright, "you breathed in.

"Just follow my commands and you will be fine," the Doctor moved away and set up the camera.

"I am starting now."

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"Alright Y/N," the doctor asked, "tell me what you remember."

"There is a car...sounds of gunshots and a man that looks a lot like my dead brother."

"Focus a little Y/n, how does the man look like?"

"Black eyes and he was wearing a suit."

"Okay," the doctor scribbled something, "listen to me carefully now, we are going to travel to your subconscious and try to remember those events, say 'yes' if you are read."

"Yes," you answered.


Shuji panted, fist clenched and resting upon the table,"Plan change sweetheart, we have to run."

"What are you saying?"

"Get in the car, don't ask questions," he growled golden eyes glinted with a malicious glint that made your bones rattle.

You followed him out and fastened the seat belt, waiting for him to calm a little before you could question his intents, but the calm never came. The entire ride was just filled with deep breaths of fear from both parties.

"Shuji where are we going?" You whispered breathlessly.

Shuji remained silent, he had a deathly grip on the steering wheel, and his knuckles were turning white from the grip, "Shibuya."


"Are we there?" you asked checking your phone, you had been travelling for almost an hour now.

"Yeah, we have entered my territory, we are safer here," he said shakily.

"Shuji, I am scared," you whispered, hands shaking from the anxiety.

He sighed and took your hand in his, his thumb running on your knuckles, "love, I would never let anything happen to you, I wouldn't be able to live with myself."

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