Girls with Demons

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"Open up, VKs!" Harry demanded, as he pounded on Evie's castle door.

"Ugh, what now?" Grumbled Carlos.

Doug pulled the door open, abruptly.

"What?" Doug began in an angry tone, at the aggressive pounding. He quickly switched to surprise, as the young pirate pushed past him without an explanation, "Harry? Yeah...just come on in, won't you?"

"Why, whenever you show up, do I automatically just expect the worst?" Carlos commented on the pirate's sudden intrusion.

"Because ye're a perceptive one, pup." Harry answered, cynically.

"What's happening?" Asked Evie.

"It's Shayla, she's...I don't know. She's..." Harry began.

"Yeah, we know. She's distant. We haven't spoken in months." Explained Doug.

"Don't ye' think I know that? I'm not daft! Would I be here because of hurt feelings?" Harry responded, in irritation.

"Get to the point, Hook!" Demanded Carlos.

"Shayla's evil!" Harry blurted out.

"Yeah...we all are...and?" Responded Carlos, trading looks with Evie.

"No, ye' idiot! Like, striped hair, white eyed, shaking the ground...evil!" Harry clarified.

Harry quickly attempted to restrict his affect and to maintain his typically calm and sly persona, but his hands betrayed him. He fought to stop them from shaking, recalling the look in Raven's eyes.

"Fuck!" Muttered Doug.

"Doug!" Evie scolded in surprise, as this type of language was out of his character.

"Sorry..." He replied sheepishly, slowly shaking his head, "I just...I just remember the last time. I couldn't get those terrifying white eyes out of my head."

"Yes, I'm familiar..." Replied Harry, genuinely.

"Wait, how is that even possible? I thought it was Pan's shadow that turned her before." Evie commented.

"Actually, guys, I don't know about that..." Doug stated, warily.

"How else would she just magically become dark?" Carlos challenged.

"Guys, you weren't there. You didn't see what I saw. I really think that the darkness was always inside of Raven. She was so... angry, and so hopeless." Doug hypothesized, "I mean, she's the product of evil, it is what it is."

"And, what is that supposed to mean? Like, everyone who was born to evil will inevitably turn dark?" Evie challenged, clearly offended.

"I'm not saying she's completely evil, what I'm saying is that she can't control her magic when her emotions get too dark for her to handle. Pure and simple." Explained Doug.

"But, it's not that simple!" Argued Carlos.

Doug realized that he was not getting through to the VKs.

"I caused this. I made her you said...hopeless. So, what you're really saying is that, it's my fault!" Carlos insinuated.

Doug pinched the bridge of his nose and let out an irritated sigh.

"Yeah, Carlos. Word for word. That's exactly what I'm saying. Thanks for listening!" Doug exclaimed, sarcastically.

"Carlos, this obviously started way before you broke up with her." Evie interjected.

Harry, Evie, and Doug all looked directly at Carlos for some insight or some instruction on what they could do.

"Why are you all staring at me?" Carlos exclaimed.

"Carlos, Don't! Don't do that." Scolded Evie

"What! What am I supposed to do? I tried, I tried for months! She won't listen to me." Carlos exclaimed.

"She asked me to "take her", mate!" Harry stated, using finger quotes; as he attempted to shock Carlos out of his self pity.

"What does that mean, "take her"?" Asked Doug.

Carlos, knowing Raven as he did, understood immediately.

"If you touched her, pirate, I'll..." Carlos growled, whilst jabbing his finger in Harry's face.

"Yeah...I don't fancy girls with actual demons inside of them. It's a point of pride for me. But, thanks for the vote of confidence!" Harry defended himself, in a sardonic tone.

Carlos was stoic and pensive for a moment, as he considered the gravity of the situation.

"You know what? If Raven wants to be pure evil...let her!" Carlos stated.

"You don't mean that!" Cried Doug.

"Don't I?" Challenged Carlos.

"Great, Carlos, just shove it all down. Turn off your feelings...sounds familiar." Evie sarcastically responded, to Carlos' callous words.

"Listen, sis! What do you know? We don't all get to fall for little goody-goody dwarfs, okay? We don't all get to be so perfect!" Carlos quickly turned his resentment on Evie, and began in a mocking tone, "Oh, look at us--we're Evie and Doug, the beautiful Princess and the friendly little AK. We live in a magnificent castle, in a fairy tale land..."

"Fuck you, Carlos! You hear me? Fuck.You!" Evie exploded, interrupting his rant.

"Excuse me?" Carlos shot back.

"You heard me, bro. You want to know the truth? You're weak! You gave up, just like you always do. Well, I'm not waiting around for another one of your breakdowns. Grow up! Get over it! You crushed Raven, and you have to deal with the consequences!'' Shouted Evie.

Carlos looked at Doug for some semblance of reason, or support, but Doug was stunned at his girlfriend's atypical response, and frankly he was petrified to open his mouth.

From the corner of the room, the group heard a series of slow claps.

"Well, little sapphire, I couldn't have said it better me-self." Harry commented to Evie.

"Keep pushing, Harry..." Evie challenged, in a threatening tone.

"To Hades with all of you!" Carlos muttered, and he stormed out of Evie's castle.

And, with that, another storm was beginning to brew.

A/N ⭐
Evie's getting savage!

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Just Always be Waiting for Me; Book 5 In The "Love is Weakness" SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now