Beautiful Little Nightmares

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"Pan! Pan! We're back! And we have something you might be interested in." Called Michael, out of breath, as he and Jay approached the treehouse.

Pan walked out onto the balcony with an intrigued smirk, and a suspiciously raised eyebrow.

"Oh?" Asked Pan, with an air of amusement.

"We found a new recruit!" Informed Jay.

"Did you?" Pan replied, expectantly, "And, who have you found for such an honor-- in such a short time?"

"I am a wanderer, Sir, I have no place here. I spoke to these fine young men, and they told me of your infamy. I crave adventure and will serve you well." Devante replied, having invented a story that he believed Pan would accept.

"Audacious words. Your flattery is welcome, but how do I know that you are to be trusted?" Peter challenged, with a glint in his eye.

"I will prove my loyalty in any way that you see fit. I am a good fighter, and I am knowledgeable." Devante explained.

"Tell me? Would you kill for me?" Peter asked.

"Yes. Of course." Devante replied, "I will stand by you and dispatch your enemies without question!"

Raven and Carlos approached the treehouse and were out of sight, standing a few yards away.

"Idiots! Why the hell did they come back?" Raven whispered to Carlos.

"Shh. Calm down. I told you, we have a plan." Carlos replied.

"It's not going to work!" Raven argued.

"Have faith." Carlos pressed.

"YOU have faith, I'll be realistic!" Raven returned, in her snarky fashion.

Pan shook his head and challenged the young man further.

"To fight an enemy is a brave pursuit. But, would you be willing to fight an ally?" Pan asked, superciliously.

"If they are an ally, why would one need to fight them?" Devante asked, confused.

"Here, kill one of them." Pan commanded, gesturing to Jay and Michael. He handed his dagger to Devante.

Jay and Michael traded nervous looks.

"See? I told you!" Scolded Raven, from she and Carlos' hiding spot, "He's too smart for this."

"Just wait." Carlos entreated.

"W-what? Why would you want..." Devante asked, appalled.

"I am simply testing the loyalty of my Lost Boys." Pan clarified, with a dark smile, "To be a Lost Boy, you must be willing to kill and die without recourse and without question."

"I..." Devante stuttered, looking to Jay and Michael in desperation.

Michael stepped forward.

"I am willing to die for you, Peter." Michael stated, with resolve.

"Michael, I'm touched." Pan stated, sarcastically. "Considering, that you were just whining all about how I ruined your life."

"Moment of weakness, Peter. I was being childish and cowardly. I am a Lost Boy. I know my duty." Michael stated calmly, while seething on the inside.

"Prove it." Pan demanded.

Michael knelt to the ground at Devante's feet, offering himself to the blade.

"Carlos..." Raven implored, in fear.

"What the hell is he doing?" Carlos demanded, in exasperation. "Shit! Michael's going rogue! This wasn't the plan."

Just Always be Waiting for Me; Book 5 In The "Love is Weakness" SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now