Damages Conjured

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Possible Trigger Warning

The number of milliseconds in a second.

The number of milliseconds in five seconds.

The number of seconds it took for Tinkerbell to swallow poison and plunge a knife into her heart.

The number of milliseconds in 30 seconds.

The number of seconds it took for Tinkerbell to die.

Raven felt every millisecond as if it were a lifetime. She heard the sound of gasps around her as the knife fell from her mother's hand, thundering as it hit the floor.

Then nothing.

Save for the blood pounding in her ears. She stood still. Statuesque. Staring, but not seeing. Unaware of the chaos in the treehouse. She and Peter stood side by side in shock as the beautiful pixie lay lifeless on the floor. Her body no longer inhabited. Her cheeks devoid of the sweet blush that once painted her porcelain skin. Her once fierce pixie heart, now silent and still.

They didn't bother to try to save her, as they felt her essence leave her body. Her soul returned to the water, earth, and trees of Neverland, to become one with the magic. She finally freed herself from Peter, and from the agony of loving a monster.

Raven turned her head to look at Peter's face, his eyes devoid of light. She began to scowl and her eyes turned to slits, before flashing white. Peter's own eyes widened at the sight of his daughter, for the visage before him was nothing short of demonic.

Peter abruptly flew from the tree house and Raven violently shook the earth beneath it. The White Queen had already transported herself to the ground.

"Everyone get out now!" Hartley shouted.

Hartley, Doug, and Evie sprinted as fast as they could out of the treehouse as the ground quaked beneath them, and rushed down the steps towards the others, the stair case wobbling dangerously.

"Holy shit! What the hell's going on?" Carlos demanded, holding onto Jay and Mal for dear life, as they watched the tree house shake.

"Tinkerbell is dead!" Evie cried.

Carlos' mouth hung open and his brows raised in fear. Raven was about to go supernova, he was sure of it. The tree house abruptly exploded, falling to burnt rubble and ash.

The group narrowly avoided the blast.

Raven rose above the rubble, like a Phoenix from the ashes. Her arms outstretched as she hovered in the air, her eyes glaring at Peter.

Peter turned to flee the scene, feeling a fear he never had. But, Raven began to sing, her voice echoing through the woods, reverberating a threatening and grievous tone. Her agonizing words burrowed into Peter's mind and he had no chance of fighting it. Her power had grown in magnitude as her rage burned inside of her. Raven's eyes dead and falling with tears, she strut toward him.

I found a grave
Brushed off the face
Felt your light
And I remember why I know this place

I found a bird
Closing her eyes
One last time
And I wonder if she dreamed like me

As much as it hurts,
Ain’t it wonderful to feel?
So go on and break your wings
Follow your heart 'til it bleeds
As we run towards the end of the dream

I’m not afraid
I pushed through the pain
And I’m on fire
I remember how to breathe again

Just Always be Waiting for Me; Book 5 In The "Love is Weakness" SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now