The Brutal Truth

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"Why are you trying to get me to stay in Wonderland?" Carlos demanded of the Queen.

"I admit, I find you less...detestable, than most of my subjects. You have loyalty. A trait, I haven't truly seen in a hatter's age." The Queen replied.

"I already told you that you're not my Queen. I'll never be loyal to you." Carlos argued. 

"Perhaps. Or perhaps not. Time will give revelation to all things. However, you have shown loyalty to the Princess." The Queen countered. 

"So, you think that I'd stay here to...protect her, or something? How can you be so sure?" Carlos challenged. 

"I know you, mother. You'd just keep one of us under your control at all times, as leverage for the other." Hartley surmised. 

"Quite right. After all, you darling, still must answer for your treasonous acts." The Queen explained.

"Wow! So, your own daughter gets locked in a dungeon? Then, what's your generous plan for me?" Carlos demanded, sarcastically.

Pan interjected, curtly,

"Isn't it obvious? You'll be her newest pet. It would appear that her Majesty is very fond of you, young De Vil. You're to fill a role."

"Listen! I'm not giving up my life because you're lonely and pathetic. Forget it!" Carlos shouted, in refusal. 

"Then, your choice is Neverland." Pan asserted. 

"Time marches forward. What is your answer? In what direction will your sad, albeit determined, little heart go?" The Queen challenged Carlos.

"My heart will always go where Raven goes.
It belongs to her." Carlos replied, determinedly. "And I'm not marrying anyone! Not like this. I don't care where you lock me up, I won't agree to anymore of your bullshit offers."

"So, you'd rather die than marry my daughter?" Pan chided him. "Perhaps your true love is a fallacy after all."

"Don't talk about things you don't understand, Pan." Carlos clapped back. "True love means that you'd give up everything. My life doesn't mean anything, unless she's free and safe."

"You and Michael had more in common than you ever knew." Pan snickered. "Perhaps your fate will mirror his own.'

Hartley interjected,

"You can't bring down the barrier without Carlos and Raven. You actually have no power in this situation. If they refuse, you have nothing."

"But, we do have a rather large group of expendables, trapped in the dungeons." The Queen reminded them, threateningly. "You may be willing to give up your own life, but are you willing to trade theirs?" 

"You'll just kill them anyway! It doesn't matter what we choose." Carlos argued, angrily. 

Hartley added, mockingly,

"It's just a shame that you both gave up your own true loves for nothing. If you hadn't been so pathetic and afraid, the barrier would already be destroyed."  

"Now who's talking of what they don't understand?" Pan questioned. 

"Well Pan, we all know that you didn't give a shit about Tinkerbell, but what about...Wendy?" Carlos pressed on Pan's most vulnerable nerve. 

"Do not speak that name!" Pan roared.

"Why shouldn't he? I mean, you must be over it by now! In fact...she's probably long forgotten you." Hartley continued to cruelly goad Pan. 

Just Always be Waiting for Me; Book 5 In The "Love is Weakness" SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now