The Jist of It

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"Happy thoughts?" Devante questioned.

"Yes. And, pixie dust. That's pretty much all there is to it." Raven explained.

"Tell me this, how does a villain use happy thoughts to fly?" He challenged.

"Pixie dust, is magic in its most natural form. Pixies are masters of nature, so they can be both good or evil. A happy thought is relative to the thinker." Raven clarified, "For me, my happy thought is the first time Carlos let go of his fear of love, and kissed me."

Raven began to easily and gracefully glide on the air.

"He was afraid of love?" Devante asked, in confusion.

"Yeah, he was..." Raven trailed off, her eyes moving from Hartley to the ground.

"And, you helped him?" Devante continued.

"Well," Raven sighed, "I wasn't always so jaded."

"I think we get the jist of it." Hartley interjected, uncomfortably.

"Have you chosen your happy thought?" Devante asked Hartley.

"It's not that easy for me." Hartley muttered.

"I figured." Scoffed Raven to herself.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Hartley snapped.

"Do you not have one? Or, is it that you don't want to admit what it is?" Raven challenged.

"Frumious Bandersnatch!" Hartley exploded at Raven. "I'm so sick of you! You really think you know me, cousin? You don't know shit!"

Devante stepped between the two girls, ignoring Raven. He lifted Hartley's chin, as her head was down in anger.

"You don't have to say it out loud." Said Devante, genuinely.

"It's a Carlos memory, isn't it?" Raven pressed.

Hartley began to lunge toward Raven, but Devante pulled her back to him.

"Ignore her. Look at me. It doesn't matter. We've been apart so long... I understand." Devante expressed. "He's an important part of your story."

"I don't know what I'd consider, happy. I have some memories...that I could say are better than others, but they always go the same way. Even ours. Like when we were living in the castle, and playing together...they always ended too quickly. Or, you'd get in trouble...or she'd..." Hartley trailed off, "And, it'd be dark again."

Devante nodded in understanding.

"We never had a chance to make those kinds of memories..." Devante began.

"Then, how is it that we're in love?" Hartley questioned.

"What do you mean?" Devante asked, in confusion.

"Do you even know me anymore? I mean, what do I even know about you?" Hartley demanded."

"I know what I need to. Anything else, it's just window dressing. Superficial trinkets. I know what I feel. I know your heart. That's all that I need." Devante expressed, as he put her hand over his heart.
"Here. Do you feel this?"

Hartley felt the beat of his heart, and was reminded of when Carlos had done the same thing. He told her that he loved the girl that she was, and not the evil thing she had become.

This, here--felt simple. Easy. Right.

Carlos' heart, didn't beat like this, for Hartley. Because, it wasn't hers to take.

This was her heart. The one that beat beneithe the Knight's chest. Strong and stable and full of love.

Raven blew sparkling, golden, dust from the palm of her hand and it glittered over Hartley.

The Princess of Heart's feet left the ground and she was lifted slowly into the air.

"There. That's your happy thought." Raven remarked, with a sly smirk.

"How did you...?" Hartley began.

"Might have learned a thing or two about cons." Raven shrugged.

"Carlos." Murmured Hartley.

"You manipulated her into creating a happy thought?" Devante chuckled, "You are a terribly confusing villain...uh...pixie, fairy? I can't keep up."

"Don't try, you'll only hurt your brain." Raven quipped."

"Yes, she's very intriguing," Hartley muttered, sarcastically. "If we're going to do this, we have to go now."

"Are you sure you can go up against your mother?" Devante asked, warily.

"No. I'm not." Hartley replied, emotionless.

She took his hand and the trio began their flight to the castle.

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Just Always be Waiting for Me; Book 5 In The "Love is Weakness" SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now