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"I love you so much."

"Oh god. I love you too."

Those words that meant so much, started to feel as though they had no meaning. The love was there, but slowly losing its place.

Making love was a routine, but showing it became a lost habit.

They say that mixing business with pleasure will bite you in the ass, and they're down the road of being seriously bitten.

"Every inch of you...I love it." Beyoncé kissed down her body slowly. Showing affection to every part.

The two of them notice their drift, and know they need to fix it. For the sake of their children, and themselves.

"Show me."

Beyoncé looked her in her eyes and became face to face with her. The look was full of love, only needing actions to fall behind it.

"Show me you love me...Not only like this. All the time. I'm losing you and I don't want to let go."

"You're not losing me. I'm not going anywhere. No matter what happens, i'm always gonna be here."

They shared a kiss as Beyoncé slid in, sighing at the feeling. It was warm and welcoming, she loved it.

"I love you...everything about you." She stroked deep and slow. Making Nicki lose every sense but feeling.

Every time Bey stroked in, her body stiffened. It's like it froze her. Even after all these years, she was still mesmerized.

The feeling of her lips, her fingertips, and her warm breath. Nothing felt better.

The warmth and tightness, Bey wanted nothing but that. It was something she was used to by now, and lose her mind if she went without.

"Jaylen no. I don't want you going anywhere that I can't be. It's not safe baby." Nicki walked down the stairs.

He had been begging her to attend his friends sleepover and party. Of course she agreed, but the sleepover wasn't an option.

Due to their past, they didn't trust their children to be off on their own. With people they didn't know well or trust. It was way too dangerous with the line of work they're in.

You never know who's after you until they come. Children are huge baits. Anyone would go straight for them.

No mercy shown.

"Momma that's not fair. I never get to go anywhere."

"I understand that son. But you have to understand why. It's not that I don't want you to have fun because I do. Which is why i'm allowing you to go to the party only."

She walked to the kitchen and began to pull out the food for the nights dinner. Her eyes didn't land on him not once because she felt guilty. Seeing that he was upset would pain her.

Never does she want to ruin her children's childhood, but she also doesn't want to put them in a situation that could end it for good.

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