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"I know it's hard mama but you have to get up." Beyoncé rubbed Onikas sides.

Nicki was having a breakdown. The past few days were calming, but it finally hit. And when it hit, it did it hard.

She was in the kitchen when it happened. Cutting up fruit for the kids' oatmeal. Standing in silence had her thinking and that's never really good during a time of grief.

Next thing she knew, she was falling to her knees, crying. It's like her body gave out and her emotions took over. She missed her father. The random calls and pop ups.

Wishing she appreciated them more instead of getting annoyed when he would come. She enjoyed the phone calls because they were normal. He did that all the time.

But since she moved out as a teen, he would randomly pop up on her. Just to see how she was and if she was safe. Flashbacks were coming and she felt haunted.

Instead of listening to Bey, she stayed in doggy position with her head in her arms. Nothing else mattered at that moment. Beyoncé knew how it felt to have that type of breakdown.

She didn't talk to anyone for months after her fathers passing. So she understood. But it was different then compared to now.

There's children involved. Bey didn't want the kids to see their mother like that, but it was too late. They were coming down to see what the hold up was.

Jaylen was first to run to Nickis side, pulling her hair back in attempt to see her face. The way she was laid, he couldn't. That made him nervous and upset. He wanted to see her face.

Jaila was next, laying her head on her mothers back, rubbing her arm softly. Baby was lost and just held Beyoncés arm. They were all crowded around her on the floor. Just being there.

Bey didn't say anything and laid there with them. Trying to get someone up during that type of breakdown was pointless. They'll have to let it all out before attempting anything.

Nicki cried softly, letting out little whimpers every now and then. Jay would kiss her arm every time he heard a sob or cry out. It made him upset to hear his mother cry.

But he knew why she was feeling that way. Beyoncé had talked to them about the passing of their grandfather. Which made them ask about her father and why they'd never met him.

She held herself together to explain and they caught on pretty fast. It had finally helped them get why their mother was acting the way she was. Bey showed them to be affectionate and just be there when they saw or heard her cry.

Not to ask questions.

Beyoncé had contacted Carol the moment she walked in the kitchen and saw Nicki on the floor. She'd already known without having to hear anything. Momma Carol was on her way.

With Mama Tina in tow.

She'd been with Carol because of her own breakdowns. Helping her through being in the house without him. The same way Nicki felt, Carol felt times ten.

Tina hadn't heard from Carol and popped up on her. She was in the bed in only her undergarments. Looked like she hadn't eaten nor slept.

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