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It's 5am the next day and Beyoncé was just now walking through the doors of her home. She heard the sound of crying and walked up the stairs.

"Mommy it hurts."

Nicki was soothing Jaylen who had a bad stomach ache. He'd been throwing up off and on since his bedtime. She didn't know what to do anymore.

Her mind was telling her different things, but she didn't want to believe it. She didn't want to believe that someone purposely made him sick.

Jaylen was the only child that wasn't allergic to anything. He was perfectly healthy with no issues. So she was confused.

Resting her head in her knees as he cried. She was beyond tired. After not sleeping the night before because of the girls being sick, all her energy was gone.

She found herself not eating to take care of them. Her stomach felt like it was touching her back and her head was pounding.

"Come here big boy...sit here." She was sitting on the bathroom floor, opening her legs for him to come between.

Jaylen sat there and rested the back of his head on his mothers chest. His lips were blue and his eyes were red. She didn't know what to do besides a doctors.

But then she would have to explain things that she had no answer for. If someone did do something, she would want to get them herself. Without involving the police.

"What's going on?" Beyoncé stepped into the bathroom, worry written on her face.

Nicki glanced up at her without giving an answer and kissed Jaylens head. She was angry at the fact that her wife had been gone a full day with no communication.

Walked in like it was no problem.

"Where does it hurt baby? Point to what part of your stomach hurts more." She sniffled and wiped her eyes.

Beyoncé stood there worried. She knew her wife wasn't feeling her so she didn't say a thing. Just made her a spot on the floor.

"Right here. It feels hot Momma...i'm hot."

"Sit up. Take your shirt off. Are you hot like you need air or is it inside?" She was starting to worry more. Only thing on her mind was poison.

He nodded his head and she glanced up at Bey. Her face was hard, meaning they already knew.

"O-ok...We'll go to the hos- the hospital." Her chest was moving irregularly and she started to blame herself in her head.

Beyoncé took note to her actions and grabbed Jaylen from the floor. Nicki was breathing heavily, tears falling down her face.

This is my fault, she thought.

She felt like if she would've made him stay home, he would be fine. Her chest hurt from holding in tears and sobs. Only thing she wanted to do was break down.

After getting herself together, she walked out of the bathroom. Beyoncé held Jaylen while he was wrapped around her crying.

She picked up her and shoes, walking down the stairs.

"Hey...Robyn could-could you come to my house and watch the girls? Jaylen has to go to the-the hospital."

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