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"Mommmy why do you have those?" Jaila pointed to Nics arms. They'd been with Mama Tina for a week and just returned home.

She expected one of them to ask her about it, but she didn't really know what to tell them. They didn't really lie to their children, but something told her to lie about that. Even though they could sniff out a lie.

"Mommy cut herself baby." She laid in bed with an exhausted expression. Her energy felt drained. The wraps on her wrist were changed ever so often.

Being that she cut so deep, it was needed. She didn't want the children to see the actual cuts, so she planned to keep them wrapped until 100% healing.

Jaila laid in bed with her, feeling the exhaustion. She just wanted to be there. Her hand rubbed Nickis stomach as they watched Tv.

"Baby! Why does Nova keep trying to get my boobs!? Help!" Beyoncé ran into the room. She crashed on the bed to hide under the covers.

Baby Nova came running into the room with a huge smile behind her binky blanket. She was screaming 'Papa' at the top of her lungs.

"Mommy 'ere Papa?" She held her hands up in a questionable manner, raising her eyebrows. Nicki shrugged with smile while rubbing her hands through Jaila's hair.

It was funny to see Beyoncé run from the child. They went through that with Jaylen. He would try to grab Beys boobs through her shirts. She was always frightened by it.

"Papa!" She'd finally spotted the golden hair sticking from under the blanket. Bey didn't know she was rounding the bed, so when her butt was grabbed, she screamed. "Papa come 'ere! No run pease!" She started to whine.

Beyoncé smacked her lips and sat up, straight facing the Baby. They looked so much alike with their expressions. Some days she would look like either parent.

They stood there looking at each other for nearly five minuets until Beyoncé gave in. Grabbing her from the floor. Nova tried again with pulling the muscle shirt down.

"No Nova! There's Mommy."

"Hell no. She doesn't even breast feed anymore, I don't know why she's doing that."

"Don't you still have milk in yo titties?"

"Yes, yes I do. But that's why I pump and donate. She's not sucking my nipple anymore Bey."

"Just for a little bit until she stops chasing mine."

"No because then she'll get hooked. Just give her a sippy cup Bey. You always act like you don't know what to do. Even when she was little..."

"Baby I gave her two cups. She threw them and grabbed her binky but still wants me. When she was little I would try to give her bottles but she would want your nipple. It's like she don't fuck with what I say."

Nicki shook her head and shrugged. She would leave that situation to Bey. Refusing to pull her nipple out. When she stopped, she was done for good.

It started to get painful.

"Let her suck your nipple then Bey. Won't nothing come out."

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